Monday, May 14, 2018

Fairytale life ...

Her life was a Fairytale...
A tale to be remembered for ages ...
A tale of live, heartbreak and betrayal...
She lived through it all ...
Only to be betrayed at every step by her loved ones .
She loved truly ...
But her love was taken for granted...
She was used to make ends meet ...
She was a means to an end to all the miseries of the world...
She kept giving of herself...
Having known only love ...
They kept betraying her ...
Till one day ...
She could give no more ...
Then lo behold !
They disappeared...
Her demons et al...
She was free at last ...
But she was barely herself...
She was reduced to ashes ...
Just a pale reflection of her radiant self ...
She jumped into the fire ...
A pure lit for her ...
There she was aglow ...
Resplendent in her glory ...
Glowing head to toe ...
Burning from within ...
Burning all over ...
A smile on her lips ...
She was consumed in her own pyre ...
A fire lit by her aches ...
A fire she carried in her heart.
They say ...
They can still hear her giggle...
The child like laughter she was known for ...
In the winds that pass by ...
Through the rustle of the leaves ...
In the ocean breeze ...
In the wind that carries from the lake ...
On moonlit nights ...
You can still see her skimming across the placid lake ...
A ghostly aura ...
Silver in its glory.

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