Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Musings on the way ...

Pouring out to her hearts content ...
That too on the way ...
By the way ...
Musings ...
Tantamount to raising a few brows ...
Leading to misleading thoughts ...
That's the ROFL moment...
When based on your musings ...
People break relations ...
Not for the weak hearted are these words...
You have to be a Lionheart to digest her statements...
Words penned along the journey between workplaces...
Releasing the stress ...
Spinning webs of imagination...
She moves ...
Like a Hydra ...
Tentacles spreading here and there ...
Giving shape to thoughts...
Misshaping common misnomers...
Realizing absurdity of people...
Getting a reality check...
She enjoys the freedom of speech...
A speech that exposes the weak...
Words that unfurl the naked truth.

Musings of the heart ...
The mind ...
The whole self ...
Bringing the world down for some ...
Breaking even at some point...
All along the way.

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