Monday, May 14, 2018

Permutations and combinations

After downing a couple of pints of ale ...
Everything in the head comes to a standstill...
Then there is no chaos...
There is no apprehension...
There are no doubts ...
Just a mist of love ...
Of uncertainty...
A ghost passes by ...
A cold whiff of his scent ...
Tears well up in her eyes ...
Not a drop trickling down her hollow cheeks...
As though everything is at a standstill...
Like that droplet of tear at the edge of her eyelid ...
The eyelashes moist ...
She closes her eyes...
Tears streaming down...
She wails in the quiet empitiness...
Shell shocked for words.

The darkness in the eyes ...
Spiraling her away ...
Into the Oblivion...
Nothing in sight ...
Just a duststorm...
Engulfing her completely.

The permutations of love ...
The combination of heartbreak...
So bleak yet so evident...
She shrugs her head ...
A Hand reaching out to the beer mug ...
One more large seig and we are ready for the road.

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