Monday, May 14, 2018

Her Mind ...

Enmeshed within a plethora of neurons ...
Are thoughts that haunt her day in and day out ...
Her mind is a mesh of words ...
Some known some unknown ...
Lost in this quintessential world ...
She wanders aimlessly ...
Some say she has lost her mind ...
Some say she has reached nirvana ...
She looks with vacant eyes ...
Beyond and far ...
A galaxy of new stars exploding ...
Somewhere new life beginning ...
Her own ended too soon.

Love lorn or lost in love ...
She is just a pack of skeletal remains ...
Covered in flesh, blood and blubber ...
They say she has lost her smile ...
There is no life in her eyes ...
Lifeless she wanders about ...
They numb her with pills ...
She numbs herself in liquor ...
A ghost of her yesterday remains ...
But not she ...
A swamp of gases and wilderness ...
Her mind wanders in ...
Looking for the lost one ...
They say he has gone ...
Lost forever ...
Yet. she searches ...
Lest she find the soul if not the body.

Her mind ...
Wandering ...
Way beyond human civilization...
An alien may know ...
The chapter within.

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