Monday, May 14, 2018

What did you do before you met me?

He used to ask her...
What did you do before you met me?
How did you pass your time?
Well, my posts of late are answer enough ...
I scribbled life on smartphones ...
I posted my feelings in words ...
I whiled my time away ...
Reading and writing ... 'About all and nothing at all ...
Just as I am doing now ...
Now that he has scooted to a distant land ...
She pours her feelings in words ...
Her angst ... her triumph, her glory ...
Her not so happy state ...
All her problems
Here , typed to little or no perfection ...
For, words keep her company ...
They talk to her ...
They make her feel needed ...
They are her solace.

So, now you know what she did whilst you were never there in her life?

You won't understand ...
For you are a selfish man ...
You have no feelings ...
You have only needs ....
She's not a need based commodity ...
Which you can call upon at your whims and fancy .
She played your game your way, dutifully ...
Trusting you always ...
You played dirty with her ...
She still let go ...
So, do't jump to conclusions ...
You were meant to be committed ...
Where is your commitment ...
You hide her from public eyes ...
Be  a man First ...
Then tell her what you have to say ...
Own a woman  not in shades  but in full view first.

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