Monday, May 14, 2018

Her little ones...

Her little ones, now grown up ...
Yet still, pamper her like a child ...
A spoilt brat is what she is referred to as...
She has no qualms calling herself the same too.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Know every inch of her being...
They can fathom every move she's about to make...
They can read her mind.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Dread her falling yet again in love ...
For they know...
She's unlucky in love ...
Yet again,
She's moved on from an affair gone awry...
They dread her mood swings...
They dread her solitude...
They dread the pain and ache of heartbreak for her...
They sedate her...
They keep her numb...
They let the liquor overflow...
For that keeps her from wailing her heart out.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Dread to see her aching...
She tries hard ...
To hide the pain...
Swallows the tears...
Yet they sense it all.

Her little ones...

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