Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Compromising with love...

Not her cup of tea ...
Compromising with love ...
If you want to move on ...
Move on ...
Do not knock on her door and do small talks ...
When you do that...
You raise her hopes...
Don't raise false hopes...
If you are coping with your dilemma...
Do it on your own ...
It's your road trip...
Not hers ...
She knows what she desires ...
If she has to go hiking on her own...
She will leave ...
No questions asked ...
No permissions taken...
Everyone comes alone and goes alone ...
You want to travel with her ...
It's your decision ...
Tomorrow don't give her lame reasons to back out of a commitment.
Life is complex as it is...
Don't make it worse for her...
She can't unlove you...
You fight your demons...
Fight your demons...
She needs a Knight not a coward...
Beside her ...
Her journey is unpredictable...
Don't anchor her down...
You loved her free spirit...
You doted over her free speech ...
Why is it that now you doubt your commitment?
There's no compromising on love ...
Love has to be pure...
Love has to be giving , without being asked ...
Love cannot be demanded...
She has no intention of finding another...
You can't love every Tom, Dick or Harry...
She isn't fickle.

There's no compromising with love for her #GoFigure

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