Sunday, May 13, 2018

Closing yet another chapter...

Well engrossed in reading the book of her life...
She didn't realize yet another chapter in the book was coming to an end ...
When it did ...
It emptied her of all emotions...
Left her barren and stupefied...
An emptiness,words cannot describe...
Now, where did she go wrong?
All she did was swallow her pride and please the character...
Just because she took a stand ...
She became uninteresting...
How stupendously horrendous thought...
But the chapter closed ...
Her character had to close it and call it quits...
There was nothing left to salvage in one sided give give and give ...
The relationship had to end ..m
It ended ...
Making her butter very bitter ...
That she decided to end her book ...
The chapter became the last chapter of her book...

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