Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The last chapter...

The book ended ...
But she pulled over the story ...
Various chapters, various scenarios...
Sweet and lovely scenes...
Gory details...
Melodramatic innuendos...
The last chapter was the most intense...
An interesting mix of histrionics...
Ending a sweet story into a mud slinging match ...
Each character trying to bring the other down...
Just like the war of the roses ...
Ultimately no one wins ...
Both are the losers ...
Both walk away ...
Glad that the ordeal is over ...
But one ...
The protagonist...
With shoulders hung low...
A slow gait of dejection...
Eyes brimming with tears ...
Walks away abjectedly ...
As though the world had come to an end ...
The book had come to an end ...
And so did her world come collapsing down.

The last chapter was pretty melodramatic...
The last chapter ended the protagonist...
The next day ...
They found her floating in the Sea ...
For her book was based on the Sea.

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