Thursday, May 17, 2018

Today I write for you my love...

Today I write for you my love ...
She said ...
Remember how we met ...
A virtual meeting that led to ...
A whirlwind first date ...
Pubhopping , dancing and singing ...
Just being silly old fools ...
All care thrown to the winds ...
Oblivious of the stares and hushed whispers ...
Yes, coz' we ran a riot across the burbs of Bombay city ...
Two old souls just happy being in their skins ...
No expectations, no inhibitions...
Just Us .

Remember, we parted in separate cabs , she said ...
But we we're constantly in touch via messages...
We didn't sleep ...
We decided on yet another date ...
To the town ...
The place of our respective youths.

Remember the strawberry festival at Talk of the Town , now ...
Pizza by the bay ..m
And then the sudden impromptu leap ...
Into the double decker bus waiting at the signal outside...
The driver and the conductor zapped the lightning quick move with which we clambered to the top and ...
Placed ourselves in the first seat with 360 degree view of the city ahead ...
Remember still, she said ...
The rush down to the Mantralaya bus stop and walking on the paved footpath...
Towards NCPA and the Marine drive ...
The hopping and jumping ...
The holding of hands ...
The warm hugs ...
And then, she continued...
Yet again, hopping into a taxi ...
The yellow and black cab ...
Winding our way through churchgate, metro and Victoria Terminus ...
Towards Lower Parel ...
And ...
By mistake entering a vegetarian pasta joint ...
Enjoying some pasta and then again ...
My love she whispered...
We went up 37 floors at St. Regis ...
We were the only ones in their lounge bar ...
Then ...
Yet again, we we're so in love that we forgot we had to go home ...
And we headed towards the Juhu Beach ...
Rest is history my love ...
The wild infantile love we share ...
Has no expectations...
It's pure love ...
Based on a need to be free to express ...
Express whatever is within us ...
Such love is rare to find ...
Cherish it ...
Cherish the moments...
These moments never return ...
You can only remember them ...
Remember not with a sigh , she said ...
Remember, so you can relive them ...
Feel love once again when ...
Life tires you out...
Let's go make some more moments...
So history remembers us ...
As the wild untamed beasts ...
That we are #GoFigure ... To be continued...


Magic is a girl with a flower crown on her mind, a fire in her heart, and a sprinkle of night on her soul...

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Trying times...

Trying times test the depth of a relationship...
Good times don't...
How well one takes duress in a relationship...
Proves your commitment...
Sticking together during stress and strain ...
Proves your commitment...
Else if you can't take it ...
It proves your intentions were never pure ...
You were just passing your time...
Having a good time at the others expense.

Compromising with love...

Not her cup of tea ...
Compromising with love ...
If you want to move on ...
Move on ...
Do not knock on her door and do small talks ...
When you do that...
You raise her hopes...
Don't raise false hopes...
If you are coping with your dilemma...
Do it on your own ...
It's your road trip...
Not hers ...
She knows what she desires ...
If she has to go hiking on her own...
She will leave ...
No questions asked ...
No permissions taken...
Everyone comes alone and goes alone ...
You want to travel with her ...
It's your decision ...
Tomorrow don't give her lame reasons to back out of a commitment.
Life is complex as it is...
Don't make it worse for her...
She can't unlove you...
You fight your demons...
Fight your demons...
She needs a Knight not a coward...
Beside her ...
Her journey is unpredictable...
Don't anchor her down...
You loved her free spirit...
You doted over her free speech ...
Why is it that now you doubt your commitment?
There's no compromising on love ...
Love has to be pure...
Love has to be giving , without being asked ...
Love cannot be demanded...
She has no intention of finding another...
You can't love every Tom, Dick or Harry...
She isn't fickle.

There's no compromising with love for her #GoFigure

The Milky way ...

Aakash Ganga Surya Chandra Taara ...
Sandhya Usha koi na nathi ...
Koni Bhoomi koni Nadi...
Koni Saagardhara ...
Sundarta kaaj banaa vividh rang ...
The milky way... The Sun , moon and stars ...
The Sunset, the sunrise ... Nothing exists ...
What land, what river...
What ocean are we talking about...
Beauty is made by the colours of all these elements...
So are emotions ...
A vivid hue ...
Of thoughts racing through our minds...
The impermanence of all things old and new...
Relationships fragile ...
Like glassware ...
Ready to shatter under stress.

All things fragile...

Nothing kills you...

Nothing kills you like your mind ...
A mind so beautiful...
A genius beyond comprehension...
A mind that concocts situation...
A mind that can imagine...
A brilliant mind ...
So ahead of its time ...
A mind that conjures ...
Nothing kills you like your mind.

There are other minds too...
Ones that lag behind...
Minds that can't comprehend...
Minds that are a tad bit behind...
Minds that haven't evolved ...
Small minds ...
Nothing kills you like those minds.

The last chapter...

The book ended ...
But she pulled over the story ...
Various chapters, various scenarios...
Sweet and lovely scenes...
Gory details...
Melodramatic innuendos...
The last chapter was the most intense...
An interesting mix of histrionics...
Ending a sweet story into a mud slinging match ...
Each character trying to bring the other down...
Just like the war of the roses ...
Ultimately no one wins ...
Both are the losers ...
Both walk away ...
Glad that the ordeal is over ...
But one ...
The protagonist...
With shoulders hung low...
A slow gait of dejection...
Eyes brimming with tears ...
Walks away abjectedly ...
As though the world had come to an end ...
The book had come to an end ...
And so did her world come collapsing down.

The last chapter was pretty melodramatic...
The last chapter ended the protagonist...
The next day ...
They found her floating in the Sea ...
For her book was based on the Sea.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Handcuffed to the mystery of history...

History repeats itself...
In one form or another...
From one time frame to another...
We are handcuffed to the mystery of our history...

Indeed , stuck in a Time Warp...
Albeit a bit secluded...
Far apart from each other...
Leap of faith ...
Or a plunge into an abyss unknown...
We all take our chances...
We all take decisions unknown...
A moment ago to any of us ...
Life changing order ...
A nightmare of sorts ...
Or a dream come true...
We are handcuffed to the mystery of our today and yesterday ...
History in the making as always.

It was good...

It was good while it lasted ...
Till it lasted it was good ...
The drives ...
Through winding roads ...
The walks along the paved paths ...
The food they gorged upon ...
The flights of fantasies they took.

The hilarious moments chronicled ...
Just a distant memory now ...
Nothing remains permanent...
In infinity lies the stakes...
Dreams unfulfilled...
Commitments broken...
Yes, but the memories remain...
In memories lie the vitality...
The birth of a new life.

The gift of life he gave her ...
She lives in those chapters...
The book unread ...
Unopened, all set to unleash...
The yesterday's meeting...
All those fragrant moments...
The bliss of living in a past not so distant...
She wouldn't miss a thing...
Just a click away...
Bound in moving slides ...
Life slips and slides away.

It was good while it lasted...
No regrets whatsoever.

Musings on the way ...

Pouring out to her hearts content ...
That too on the way ...
By the way ...
Musings ...
Tantamount to raising a few brows ...
Leading to misleading thoughts ...
That's the ROFL moment...
When based on your musings ...
People break relations ...
Not for the weak hearted are these words...
You have to be a Lionheart to digest her statements...
Words penned along the journey between workplaces...
Releasing the stress ...
Spinning webs of imagination...
She moves ...
Like a Hydra ...
Tentacles spreading here and there ...
Giving shape to thoughts...
Misshaping common misnomers...
Realizing absurdity of people...
Getting a reality check...
She enjoys the freedom of speech...
A speech that exposes the weak...
Words that unfurl the naked truth.

Musings of the heart ...
The mind ...
The whole self ...
Bringing the world down for some ...
Breaking even at some point...
All along the way.

Trigger Happy ...

She's happy...
Very happy...
A heavy load off her chest ...
One more place to create ...
Beautiful memories to make ...
Something to keep her occupied...
Something to keep her mind off the rigours of human life ...
A rigmarole of activities...
Running from pillar to post ...
Thank God for small mercies.

Rude, is it ? Or ...


What a lame excuse to be given...
Rude behavior?
First you press the trigger...
When recoil happens...
You scoot ...
What a way to run!
Like a coward or...
Like someone who wanted a reason to leave...
Shooting from her shoulder...
Blaming her for everything...
Not looking within...
You started it ... From your end
You ended it... From your end ...
At your convenience...
She didn't.
She played the game your way...
At your behest ...
Your rules...
Your conditions...
She was just a pawn ...
You planned and played well...
But you ain't the winner...
You are the biggest loser...
Showing your spinelessness...
Just like your Creed...
Just another one like them...
No wonder you suffer...
And shall suffer more forever.

Walking towards the horizon...

Lost in thoughtless thoughts...
She makes her way through the melee' ...
The crowd disperses upon her approach...
Making way for her...
They can see the wild madness in her walk ...
The vacant brown eyes...
As though she was carrying herself ...
To be laid to rest at Sea.

She walks on the scorching sand ...
Into the warm frothy waves...
Their arms welcoming her to Sea...
The horizon getting near.

Wading through the salty mist ...
Droplets on her cheeks ...
Are they from Sea water or salt from  the water in her eyes?

Walking into the horizon...
All care let loose ...
The cries of her loved ones ...
Stifled by the roaring waves ...
She disappears ...
Never a look behind...
Lost to all and sundry ...
One more life to love.

She remembers...

She remembers Telling him...
Understand me when I am down and out ...
Be there in trying times...
There will be moments of frustration...
When I want to give up...
Be there for me...
Understand me.

She told him...
You are my pillar of strength...
Don't give up on me...
Even when I give up on myself...
He seems to have forgotten those words...
He seems to have forgotten his promise...
To stick by her ...
Come what may ...
In this moment of despair...
She plunges deep in ...
The dungeons of solitude...
A solitary confinement...
Quite evident in her stoic silence to the world.
She had asked him to understand her ...
How could he forget that ?

All he read were words poured in despondent delinquency...
He didn't understand her.

She's lost ...

Emptiness within...
Abyss ahead...
Darkness behind...
She's lost.

The moment...

The moment she hears his voice...
She melts...
All the anger within...
The resentment, melts...
It just disappears...
The power of love is so strong...
It lifts a downtrodden mood ...
And once again...
She soars into the sky ...
Awaiting the showers of love.


Some are lost on the way ...
Some leave along the way ...
Some just fade away ...
Some remain as memories...
Some become artifacts ...
Some are just numbers...
Numbers in your contact book ...
Blocked numbers ...
A mistake to be never repeated again...
To be forgotten in time ...
Never to cross paths again ...
Some die a natural death ...
Some a violent one ...
But eventually they do die ...
In those moments...
Memories flash by ...
Only memories, nothing else.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fairytale life ...

Her life was a Fairytale...
A tale to be remembered for ages ...
A tale of live, heartbreak and betrayal...
She lived through it all ...
Only to be betrayed at every step by her loved ones .
She loved truly ...
But her love was taken for granted...
She was used to make ends meet ...
She was a means to an end to all the miseries of the world...
She kept giving of herself...
Having known only love ...
They kept betraying her ...
Till one day ...
She could give no more ...
Then lo behold !
They disappeared...
Her demons et al...
She was free at last ...
But she was barely herself...
She was reduced to ashes ...
Just a pale reflection of her radiant self ...
She jumped into the fire ...
A pure lit for her ...
There she was aglow ...
Resplendent in her glory ...
Glowing head to toe ...
Burning from within ...
Burning all over ...
A smile on her lips ...
She was consumed in her own pyre ...
A fire lit by her aches ...
A fire she carried in her heart.
They say ...
They can still hear her giggle...
The child like laughter she was known for ...
In the winds that pass by ...
Through the rustle of the leaves ...
In the ocean breeze ...
In the wind that carries from the lake ...
On moonlit nights ...
You can still see her skimming across the placid lake ...
A ghostly aura ...
Silver in its glory.

The great ocean...

The ocean calls her ...
Every day the great ocean beckons her...
Nudging at her senses ...
Bellowing sounds of waves in her ears...
The smell of the Sandy shores ...
The breeze of salt from Sea...
The taste of the ocean in her mouth ...
The feel of the wind on her sweaty skin ...
The sifting sandwich beneath ...
The Ocean , her father ...
Beckons her ...
Aaye daughter of the Seven Seas ...
Come forth my child ...
The World ain't the place for you...
The schools of fish remember you ...
Come swim beneath ...
The ocean floor awaits you ...
Ride the waves like a queen ...
Come claim your kingdom ...
Come forth my child ...
Your world awaits you ...
She takes the first step towards the Sandy dunes...
She looks behind...
There no one stopping her ...
She looks ahead at the vast expanse of blue ...
She takes the final plunge ..m
Diving into the mesmerizing aqua blue ...
Merging with the hues ...
Never to return to the land ...
For that's not her world to be.

Will you come looking for me ...

She had asked him once ...
Will you come looking for me when I a lost?
He had said ...
He had dilly dallied...
No, he didn't give a straight answer ...
Well! It's time to find out...
If he will really come searching for her ...
It's time to get lost ...
Go away, far away ...
If he really loves her ...
He will come in search for her ...
Hope it isn't too late by then...
Will you look for me?

Permutations and combinations

After downing a couple of pints of ale ...
Everything in the head comes to a standstill...
Then there is no chaos...
There is no apprehension...
There are no doubts ...
Just a mist of love ...
Of uncertainty...
A ghost passes by ...
A cold whiff of his scent ...
Tears well up in her eyes ...
Not a drop trickling down her hollow cheeks...
As though everything is at a standstill...
Like that droplet of tear at the edge of her eyelid ...
The eyelashes moist ...
She closes her eyes...
Tears streaming down...
She wails in the quiet empitiness...
Shell shocked for words.

The darkness in the eyes ...
Spiraling her away ...
Into the Oblivion...
Nothing in sight ...
Just a duststorm...
Engulfing her completely.

The permutations of love ...
The combination of heartbreak...
So bleak yet so evident...
She shrugs her head ...
A Hand reaching out to the beer mug ...
One more large seig and we are ready for the road.

Memories in a pause ..

Memories of yore ... in a pause...
Like menopause ...
Coming in spurts ...
Gushing in at times ...
Gone for a long time ...
Painfully abominable and deathly haunting ...
Leaving her pale and semi dead ...
Eyes a hollow ...
No shine ...
No glow on face ...
Shaved head belies the pain ...
The cathartic fuel of her soul.

The clots of memories ...
Clustered together ...
Painful yet agonisingly blissful when shed ...
As though in labour ...
The delivery of pain crucifying.

Yet, flushing the toxins out ...
Cleansing the system ...
Knowing fully well ...
The agonizing pain of love ...
Love gone astray.

memories as though kindled by a pause button ...
She turns around ...
He isn't there ...
He had gone long ago ...
With a promise in his eyes ...
Never to return ...

Her pride clashes with her feelings ...
She says he will be back ...
The pride says NO...
An answer only he can give ...
But he is long gone and lost somewhere ...
For his eyes were set elsewhere.

Memories in a pause ...
Memories in a period ...
Memories of bygone days ...
Should she erase?

Her Mind ...

Enmeshed within a plethora of neurons ...
Are thoughts that haunt her day in and day out ...
Her mind is a mesh of words ...
Some known some unknown ...
Lost in this quintessential world ...
She wanders aimlessly ...
Some say she has lost her mind ...
Some say she has reached nirvana ...
She looks with vacant eyes ...
Beyond and far ...
A galaxy of new stars exploding ...
Somewhere new life beginning ...
Her own ended too soon.

Love lorn or lost in love ...
She is just a pack of skeletal remains ...
Covered in flesh, blood and blubber ...
They say she has lost her smile ...
There is no life in her eyes ...
Lifeless she wanders about ...
They numb her with pills ...
She numbs herself in liquor ...
A ghost of her yesterday remains ...
But not she ...
A swamp of gases and wilderness ...
Her mind wanders in ...
Looking for the lost one ...
They say he has gone ...
Lost forever ...
Yet. she searches ...
Lest she find the soul if not the body.

Her mind ...
Wandering ...
Way beyond human civilization...
An alien may know ...
The chapter within.


Respect isn't asked for...
It is gained...
Gain her respect first rather than saying ...
She doesn't respect you ...
When was the last time you took her hand and walked in your neighbourhood...
No, not in a Mall nor a road away fro your home ...
But your neighbourhood?

So strange that you want respect ...
But, you can't give the same respect to her.

Whenever you have needed her ...
Called her ...
she was there for you ...
When did you honour her desire to be with her?
You even stopped her from coming to you in her spare time...
Giving silly excuses ...
The intuition of a woman is strong ...
When she loves ...
She loves wholeheartedly ...
You just used her and nothing else.

That's how you made her feel ...
You never made her feel loved or needed ...
It was just a need based love for you.
Sad that it has to end with an outburst of words describing how you made her feel.

God forbid, you shouldn't be treated this way ever and used and discarded.

Respect has to be earned and you have fallen in her eyes.

The pedestal on which she had placed you ...
Has tumbled ...
She cries and her wails shall haunt you forever.

What did you do before you met me?

He used to ask her...
What did you do before you met me?
How did you pass your time?
Well, my posts of late are answer enough ...
I scribbled life on smartphones ...
I posted my feelings in words ...
I whiled my time away ...
Reading and writing ... 'About all and nothing at all ...
Just as I am doing now ...
Now that he has scooted to a distant land ...
She pours her feelings in words ...
Her angst ... her triumph, her glory ...
Her not so happy state ...
All her problems
Here , typed to little or no perfection ...
For, words keep her company ...
They talk to her ...
They make her feel needed ...
They are her solace.

So, now you know what she did whilst you were never there in her life?

You won't understand ...
For you are a selfish man ...
You have no feelings ...
You have only needs ....
She's not a need based commodity ...
Which you can call upon at your whims and fancy .
She played your game your way, dutifully ...
Trusting you always ...
You played dirty with her ...
She still let go ...
So, do't jump to conclusions ...
You were meant to be committed ...
Where is your commitment ...
You hide her from public eyes ...
Be  a man First ...
Then tell her what you have to say ...
Own a woman  not in shades  but in full view first.

Why does he read her?

Is he guilty of something? 
Was he instrumental in flaring her temper, so he could cite that as incompatibility factor?
Is he reading to find what his action has made her do?

Or, is he just reading coz' he is plain outright guilty for outraging her modesty and then running away like a rat scurrying along a dark alleyway?
His reasons , he knows best ...
All she knows is that ...
He ran away ...
Instead of being a man he boasted to be ...
He ran away like a coward...
What is it with her and cowards ?

God knows his ways ...
Getting such cowards in her life ...
Making her happy temporarily and then ...
Vamoosh ...
They disappear ...
Suddenly they remember they have a life ...
They have a society to show their face to ...
They can't commit to her ...
They can't remain loyal to her ...
Suddenly her greys matter ...
Both on the scalp and within ...
Suddenly , she is too high and mighty ...
Her ego surfaces for them to complain about ...
Suddenly, she doesn't seem so appeasing to them ...
What a hypocrite!!!

Why does he read her?
He reads to read her mind ...
Little knowing that its a web of words and nothing else that she spins.

Anger within...

They ask , why does she eat so much...
She replies to curb the anger within...
She sleeps for hours in a delirious state...
For she has been wronged ...
She floats above her mortal being...
Watching the helpless being...
It angers her ...
It really sets her in another direction...
The betrayal by a loved one ...
Using her like a tampon and then discarding her like one ...
For all his sweet words ...
He never owned her up in public...
Maintaining a low profile lest others know of his dalliance...
And she, like a fool in love ...
Listened to his lies...
Believing his lies as real ...
Not realizing that the beast was just using her as a means to an end.

Oh! What a realization, and at what cost...
Her trust broken...
Her faith lost ...
Tattered and torn pride ...
Asking for justice...
But to whom ...
She was but a fool ...
To have believed his lies...
His blatant lies ...
Now she roams around like a zombie...
Alive yet dead ...
Her feelings shattered ...
Her dreams broken...
Whilst he enjoys his life elsewhere.

Where did she go wrong in loving him unconditionally?
Where did she falter in her belief?
Why did he do this? What was his motive?

She's lost faith in herself...
Not knowing what to do...
No face to show to anyone...
In front of whom she would boast ...
Of his undying love for her ...
Neither love nor him beside her ...
She walks limply...
Head bowed in shame ...
Disgust apparent in each step..

Despair reaching a crescendo...
They say she has lost it ...
Her mind a mumbo jumbo...
Of incoherent thoughts...
Nothing seems good...
Nothing seems real ...
She's lost to herself too...
Lost forever in a dark abyss.

So easy ...

Isn't it so easy to ...
Break off ...
Citing flaws in her ...
Rather than saying you are fed up of having the same old food each day?

Isn't it easy to let go... So you can taste new ones and satisfy your libido once again?

Yes you, the one reading her ...
Keeping an eye on her written words lest they mention you ...
Well! She ain't like you...
No, she isn't selfish..m
She's fiercely proud but not an egoistic fool like you ...
You are the selfish fool who has played his cards well...
You got the best of both the world's ...
You wanted to leave ..
So you created a situation...
Where she would react ...
And you could blame her and move on to the next one.

You have your brains between your legs...
What tickles you there ...
Takes your fancy ...
God forbid! You really are worthy of the wrath of the heaven above ...
Sad that you should show your true colours shooting from her shoulders.

In reality, you don't deserve happiness at all...
You only Know how to use people...
For your ulterior gains ...
You are a shameless being ...
Not even acknowledging your own wrongfulness.

Blaming a woman for things going wrong is so passe' ...
Look into the mirror and see that beast lurking behind your false exterior...

Men, never trust them ...

Her little ones...

Her little ones, now grown up ...
Yet still, pamper her like a child ...
A spoilt brat is what she is referred to as...
She has no qualms calling herself the same too.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Know every inch of her being...
They can fathom every move she's about to make...
They can read her mind.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Dread her falling yet again in love ...
For they know...
She's unlucky in love ...
Yet again,
She's moved on from an affair gone awry...
They dread her mood swings...
They dread her solitude...
They dread the pain and ache of heartbreak for her...
They sedate her...
They keep her numb...
They let the liquor overflow...
For that keeps her from wailing her heart out.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Dread to see her aching...
She tries hard ...
To hide the pain...
Swallows the tears...
Yet they sense it all.

Her little ones...

Every time...

Every time she ends a book ,
She moves on...
Every time she ends a relationship she moves on .
How does one predict one from another?
With the book...she places it in her library...
Relationship, she writes about.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Challenge her and ...

Challenge her and she will outwit you ...
Surprise her and she will surprise you too.

Love her and she will love you back more than you can imagine...
Scorn her and she will dump you right there and then...
#GoFigure the woman out ...
She isn't going to wait for you...
She is eveready to walk out bag and baggage...
Her stillettos shining bright...
She's a fiercely independent woman...
She's no doormat you need.

Inspire her and she will colour your world in rainbow hues...
Respect her and she will lay her life for you ...
Don't challenge her ...
For she will drown you in your sublime alpha male ego #GoFigure

Closing yet another chapter...

Well engrossed in reading the book of her life...
She didn't realize yet another chapter in the book was coming to an end ...
When it did ...
It emptied her of all emotions...
Left her barren and stupefied...
An emptiness,words cannot describe...
Now, where did she go wrong?
All she did was swallow her pride and please the character...
Just because she took a stand ...
She became uninteresting...
How stupendously horrendous thought...
But the chapter closed ...
Her character had to close it and call it quits...
There was nothing left to salvage in one sided give give and give ...
The relationship had to end ..m
It ended ...
Making her butter very bitter ...
That she decided to end her book ...
The chapter became the last chapter of her book...

Friday, May 11, 2018


You start. Cherishing life...
When there's none to live...
An existence becomes meaningful...
Where no meaning existed...
Life comes one full circle...
When everything goes round and round...  #Gofigure the perspective.

Shutting the world out...

Cocooned ...
Festooned to her melancholy loneliness...
Chained to her existence...
She shuts the world out...
Squeezing her eyes shut...
A tear drop escaping  from the corner...
She shuts the world out.

The noise , the noise in the head...
The drumming , humming noise...
The relentless chaos within...
She shuts the world out.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Unpublished work...

She writes her story all the time ...
She erases chapters and writes them again...
Again and again...
Time and again...
She writes her story...
Her story, unpublished ...
Tattered and torn pages in history...
But obviously,
Etched deep in memories...
Her unpublished story ...
Her life ...

Vacant eyes ...

She stares into the Oblivion...
Oblivious to all around ...
They say she ain't sound of mind
She has lost it along the way ...
Shocked to death ...
But death defies her ...
The deafening sound of silence...
Her curse...
Blinded by love ...
She stumbles and falls ...
Walking directionless...
A darkness engulfing her...
She stares but can't see ...
She cries silent tears ...
Swallowing her little left pride ...
She picks up her work...
Immersing into the unknown once again.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Lonely Existence...

That moment...
When you realize...
Despite the crowd around you...
You lead a lonely existence...
That moment, nails it ...
You dive deep into your shell ...
Delve in your thoughts...
You just exist...
You are there for a purpose...
You don't live...
You just exist.

You are not living for yourself...
You are the harbinger of life ...
But you do not partake...
In the stakes of life ...
You only exist ...
A mute spectator...
To all that is living around you ...
Living off you ...
A part of your own flesh and blood ...
But not for you.

You lead a lonely existence ...