Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ranaji ... The best Salesman ...

Be it the  corporate world...
Or be it personal life ...
The best Salesman is the one ...
Who can sell himself and his lies...
He is what the best mould is made of...
A blend of sauve sophistication...
False values ...
A go getter...
Ranaji has been there done that ...
Whether it is using relations...
Or be it emotions ...
He has sold his soul to the devil.
The devil reincarnate ...
God only knows ...
How many women has he used ...
To make his end's meet.
Sick, that his kids also became his pawns.
Shameful , that he emotionally ensnared a woman ...
Used her , abused her sensibilities...
And left her high and dry...
Sad, butnhe knows not ...
There is something known as ...
Divine justice ...
That one hand of God ...
Ensures that we all pay for our sins here ...
Ranaji ...
It is time to pay for your sins ...
Time for you to suffer ...
Time to wake up from your slumber...
Your kingsize bed ...
And utterly lazy wife ...
Can wait ...
For hell hath no fury ...
Like a woman scorned.

Your goods are outdated Ranaji ...
Your tactics redundant ...
Your charm has fizzled out ...
All that is left is ...
The remains of what once was...
Ranaji , you are history ...
Sales will never remember you ...
Nor the ones for whom you stooped so low.

The best ever ...

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