Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Sinner ...

To become the best ...
You have to be the best ...
You can't sin and say ...
I am pure ...
I haven't sinned to be where I have reached ...
How many have you stepped over ...
In your endeavour to reach tlhe top ...
How many hearts have you crushed ....
To be who you are today?
Why live in the fantasy that you are the best...
When you are the worst human ...
On the face of Earth...
A sinner to the core ...
You have sinned ...
You have conned ...
Not only others but ...
Also your own family...
Why such double standards?
Blaming your career failure ...
To baby sitting ...
Huh! Heights of laziness ...
In order to become a father ...
You couldn't become one ...
Not at all ...
One who cheats on his family ....
For his ulterior motives ...
Cheats others ...
Plays with emotions ...
He deserves none ...
There is nomplace on Earth or ...
Heaven , for him ...
He deserves no mercy....
A conman to the core ...
He dies a slow ...
Tormented death each moment ...
That is his destiny ...
To be hated by the ones who loved him.
You don't love and unlove anyone ...
Either there was love ...
Or no love at all ...
You don't smell a flower...
Pluck its petals ...
And walk away saying ...
You don't love it anymore ....
Coz' you have plucked it to its death.
Shame on you ....
You are a shammer ...
Sad that one has to live with these ...
Terrible memories of you ...
Live knowing you are smiling smugly somewhere ...
Patting yourself on the back ...
For one more achievement ...
One more in your kitty of affairs.

Once a sinner ...
Always a sinner.

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