Friday, September 19, 2014

The mood is set ...

Chirpy days, gloomy days ...
Days of fun filled happiness ...
Ones of morose thoughts ...
Days of glee and gay abandon ...
Days of drives to his workplace ...
Days of long drives out of town ...
Nights of  sheer pleasure and fun ...
Lying awake in his arms.

Days of coffees and hot chocolate ...
Muffins and croissants ...
Days making love on his table top ...
Days of stolen kisses ...
Soft whispers of I Love You ...
Murmurs of heartbeat too ...
The nights stolen and lived ...
The entwining of bodies ...
Passion running high ...
Oblivious of all else ...
Moans of pleasure ...
Groans of orgasm ...
Yes.... The one who gave it all ...
He returns in thoughts again.

The mood is set ...
Yet for another round of sex, sleaze and apathy ...
Yet another heartbreak ...
But, Lovers do not care.

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