Friday, September 26, 2014

His little ones...

Their love ...
So innocent so pure...
Their needs so small ...
His little ones ...
When they rush towards her...
When they want none but her...
She lives a lifetime...
Her entire life has a meaning tgen ...
Ìt is worth living another day ...
Waiting for them ...
Their tiny fingers seeking hers...
Encircling her fingers...
Tugging at her dress...
Pulling her towards them ...
That is pure love.
Asking her for forbidden goodies...
Which they know ...
Only she can give them ..
Her time...
Her love ...
Her compassion...
She loves them as her own ...
Feeling him through them ...
The love that was hers...
He couldn't give...
But he gifted her the most precious...
His own to play with...
To nurture...
Yes , his little ones...
Hers for two hours a day ...
Those two hours ...
She comes alive....
Lives a lifetime...
In his memories...
Feeling blessed...
The lord gave her Agni back ...
As his little ones.

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