Monday, September 29, 2014

The Ghost returns ...

Her life her times ...
A very important figure...
In her life ...
Changing the entire  course of her life...
And its destiny.
The Aviator ...
An indispensable entity...
The passion...
The sole desire...
The knight in shining armour...
Reminiscent of him...
She remembers him.  something else in store...
All was lost...
When he was lost...
The anger never subsided...
Raging within her like a wildfire...
Consuming her entire World...
She was never the same again.
Burnt with desires ...
Quelled with water of pain...
She lived ...
Only to tell her story...
To relive it each day...
Gnawing her from within...h
The desires raged...
In the wake of which...
All was lost.
She lost him...
She lost herself...
She was never the same again.  returned ...
Only to  find her skeletal remains...
The woman he loved was gone...
She was a ghost of herself.
He seeks her to no avail ...
He hasn't lost hope ...
But, he has lost her.

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