Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Deep brooding eyes...

He has the most intense ...
Beautiful, deep brooding eyes ...
When he looks at her ...
She loses herself in their depth ...
She is lost forever ...
His love so intense ...
So deep ...
She couldn't surface once immersed...
In his love ...
She found her solace ...
Her need to belong ...
She belonged to him ...
The one who searched for her ...
Those many years ...
Relentlessly,  unstopping ...
He looked for her ....
High and low ...
Every nook and corner  of the World ....
Ultimately seeking her out ...
There she was ...
In all her unabashed nakedness ...
In front of him ...
They melted in each others arms ...
Never to emerge from ...
The embrace so tight ...
Breath infused  in each others ...
They love each other as one ...
Entwined in a deep embrace ...
She already drowned in his eyes ...
Melting into him...
Being one with him...
Her love  , hers...
She fears none ...
For she is his shadow ...
He is her soul.

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