Monday, September 22, 2014

Accursed ...

She burns ....
She wants to burn  his World too...
Ruin his happiness...
Wipe that smug grin off his face ...
He deserves no happiness ...
All he should ever get is pain...
An ache that will burn him ...
He will neither live nor die ...
His life an accursed one ...
He lives a cursed life ...
Creepy crawlies all over him ...
He shall have no peace ...
Every moment a living hell for him....
The evil he has done ...
Shall snatch his sleep ...
Cursed he shall have no respite ...
He burns here on Earth ...
His breed so lowly ...
One shows only contempt ...
For the Rascal.
Accursed he shall ...
Die in the gutters ...
A violent death ...
A death so painful...
Even death would shiver.

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