Monday, September 22, 2014

The Rascal... Ranaji

The conman every one ought to be wary of ...
Ranaji ..
The rascal feeds on emotions ...
Full of false pride ...
This devil's advocate ...
Is nothing but an absolute zero ...
Nothing but a meaningless nothing.

Breeding on his libido...
Impersonating Goodness...
Advocating fidelity ...
But, an infidel bastard...
Uses and abuses his power ...
The right to exercise ingenuity lost ...
He wanders the lanes seeking ...
Solace in arms ...
Of other women than his own.

She lives in a blessed World ..
Thinking all is hunky dory..
Whereas all ain't well in her paradise ...
What if she came across his reality?
Will she be shattered ?
Or ...
Is she happy in being a whore to good life ...
A king size bed and four domestics...
At her beck and call...
Wondering .... what if?

The Rascal basking in the satisfaction of his libido ...
Curse be upon him.

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