Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rhythm of the Rain...

In the rhythm of the falling rain ...
I can hear your heartbeats...
In the pitter patter of the falling drops ...
I hear you call out to me.

I turn around ..
A wisp of cool breeze ...
Touches my skin and passes by...
I know...
It is your kiss...
Sent from across miles ...
of Land, air and water ...
You , the very beat of my heart ...
Skipping across oceans ...
Lakes and the sky...
My love ...
Pure, unintentional feelings ...
Yes, you the man in my life ...
You , the very symbol ...
Of unabashed love ...
You, the reason behind my smiles.

I feel the raindrops on my skin ...
Know well...
That it is you touching me ...
In your own way...
Kissing my naked soul ...
Through drops so cool.

I seal our love ...
I close my eyes ...
I feel one with you ...
I can feel you around me...
I can...
For your love reaches me ...
Through the drops of rain...
The rhythm of the falling rain ...
Reminds me of your heaving chest ...
Your flesh ...
A memory so sweet...
Yes, I love you ...
Have always loved you.

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