Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Destroyer ...

The one for whom you wait all your life...
Comes in frint of you one day ...
You give your all to him ...
He takes it all ...
And, one fine day....
Walks away ...
Disappears from your horizon ...
And, realization dawns ...
The evil of his intentions ...
You sink into a black hole ...
A hole so deep ...
You try to come up for air ...
But, all that occurs is ...
You die of suffocation ...
Suffocation due to emotions ...
Smothering your thoughts ..
Feelinys untold ...
Unfolding within ...
Engulfing your whole being ...
Into a bundle of death ...
You die ...
You die a horrible death each day ...
The destroyer ... he laughs ....
And, watches from a distance ...
A smug smile on his face ...
You are wiped from existence ...
Out cold and shivering ...
Down to the very core of your bones ...
You wither away ...
To smithereens you are done...
Nothing to salvage ...
In this destruction of dreams...
Nothing left at all.

The destroyer walks on ...
In search of another victim.

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