Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Watching him each day ...

Each day she sees him...
Each day she meets him...
Each dawn sees her resolving ...
To forget him ...
Each dusk sees her pining for him.

She meets him ....
Not looking in the eye...
Lest he sees her love for him....
Lest he sees how much she needs him ...
Lest he sees her weakness ...
Lest he sees himself in her eyes.

She has given up on all...
Lost I  his thoughts ...
She goes by the day ...
Mechanically fulfilling duties....
Asked of her by the World ...
Responsibilities taken care of ...
All mechanically ...
A robot like demeanour ...
Her stride so wooden ...
Hardly a smile these days ...
Going hollow with passing moments ...
Missing him ...
This time round , more so...
For she gave of her to him ...
Carrying his seed within ...
Not knowing how to break the news...
She passes each day ...
Dying from within.

She misses him ...
The unborn growing within ...
Contemplating on action ...
Or reaction ...
Wondering whether to tell him ...
Fearful of rejection...
She doesn't want to lose the life....
That is growing within.

Only death can do them apart...
Genuine love ...
Passion unfurled ...
The result in her womb.

She waits upon him ...
Each day ...
Yet not meeting his eye....
He is hers to love ...
His shadow in her.

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