Sunday, July 13, 2014

Smiling within ...

A slight twitch...
Opening into a wide smile...
This is what thoughts...
Of you do to my Lips...
A sly smile always ...
Deepening thoughts ...
Deepening smile ...
Eyes glistening with unshed tears ...
Tears of joy ...
Happy in the knowledge ...
You are there for me always.

Smiling within ...
I walk briskly ...
Into another day ...
Another challenge ...
Knowing well that...
I shall overcome all obstacles ...
All apprehensions laid to rest ...
Am aware of my being ...
In your presence I bloom ...
Under your watchful eyes ...
I know I shall glow.

The flame within extinguished , rekindled ...
I am a new Me ...
A flower blooms once again...
Smiling within ...
The radiance emanating again ...
The fragrance engulfing all.

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