Saturday, July 19, 2014

She Thinks ...

She thinks ...
All she does is think ...
An imaginative creature ...
Creating scenarios in her mind...
All she does is Think.

She imagines ...
The World to be a peaceful one...
That she can leave for her own kin...
Her kith and other Kids ...
She wishes for World peace...
She wishes for a Greener tomorrow...
She works towards the goal ...
Of leaving a better World behind her.

She dreams a lot ..
She dreams with her eyes wide open ...
She dreams with tears streaming down her cheeks ...
She dreams of her own home.

She has regrets ...
Foe sins not committed by her ...
She laments the lost youth ...
She wishes the childhood lost ..
By her little ones ...
Be returned ...
She wishes a lot...
She wishes , she had bowed ...
Cowed down to demands irrelevant ...
She wants to turn the clock back again.

She thinks ...
So she can ...
In her imaginary World ...
All is hunky dory ...
Her World ...
Where all is well...
Not a tear is shed of sorrow and gloom ...
But of laughter and fun.

Her Life is rife with conflict...
Emotional trauma she bears alone ...
A lonesome , secluded life ...
A barrier around her ...
She leads the life of a recluse ...
A safe haven created ...
She lives in her own World...
No one allowed in ...
Just her and her alone...
So, she can think and ...
Create her own Heaven ...
Away from the hell of emotional conflict ..
Happy in her loneliness ...
Satiated in her aloneness..
With her own conflicting thoughts ...
Her own monsters and demons to deal with.

She thinks , she can ...
And, she will ...
There is nothing stopping her thoughts ...
Just SHE and Her Thoughts alone.

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