Monday, July 28, 2014

I turned my face away ...

I saw him today ...
He had come to leave his little one ...
I turned my face away....
It was hard to do so...
But steely resolve took precedence...
I turned my face away ...
With my eyes lay low...
I didn't look up ...
Lest his brightness blinds me ...
I can't show him my feelings ...
I can't let him know...
He is my weakness ...
He is my strength ...
Yet, I am in dilemma...
Pushing him away.

His love leaves a blush on my cheeks...
I bear a flushed look ...
Stars in my eyes ...
Forgotten in his gaze.

I can't let him see...
The love I cherish since ages ...
Just for him ...
I shower now the same ...
On his little ones ...
My way of dealing ...
With the tragedy of a broken heart.

 Catharsis ...
Belonging to him ...
Yet, shutting him out ...
For he belongs to another now ...
In my heart of hearts ...
None can dislodge him ...
From the pedestal he occupies ...
He , my love ...
I, his love...
So near...
Yet, so far.

I turned my face away ...
Lest he sees the tears ..
In my unslept eyes...
The torment and pain ...
Visible from his absence....
Pain ...
It aches to keep away ...
But, that is destiny.

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