Saturday, July 26, 2014

The last pillar...

Hope, they say keeps you afloat...

The last bastion has fallen...
No hope left to salvage ...
The ruins a gaping wound...
Oozing blood and pus...
The last pillar standing...
Is crumbling to the ground.

No scope left for improvement...
Agony and pain visible...
The World of hope bleak...
Nothing left to look forth to...
All is gone in one swipe...
Fate, the master of destiny...
Ruins as far as eye can see...
Not a farthing to believe...
The last pillar standing...
Crumbling into dust.

Like a pack of cards...
All that was envisioned, lost;
Cruel is the hand of fate...
Ruthless is the King of Spades.
The last pillar...
The last man standing ...
Gone forever into oblivion....
Never to be found again.

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