Friday, July 25, 2014

Turn of events...

The fucked up events that make your fucking life go topsy turvy.... that is what I abhor. Bloody hell, one person always at the receiving end ... till when.

Bloody hell, you can't even fucking cry lest your loved ones, little ones see those drops of emotion running down your cheeks and feel helpless at the situation they are in.

Damn life!  Damn the one that led to this state.

That  is why, it is best to be a loner, lest you become a cause of such situation elsewhere. Better in your own cocoon where you harm none and none is affected by you.

Life comes one full circle , they say.... when will the circumference of this circle be full? When is the misery going to end?

Damn , damn , damn ... the writer of this script.... damn everyone.

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