Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Requiem to a Relationship lost

The Largest Moon of the Year...
Romantic Moon nearest to Earth ...
A Blossoming Budding love ...
Two Lovers ... A promise made ...
To culminate their Love that Night ...
All dreams shattered ...
He walked away ...
She turned around and walked away too.
Once or twice she looked back ...
He wasn't there ...
lost in a World ...
Falsified by false beliefs ...
She sought Truth ...
She decided to walk the path alone again ...
This time too much at stake ...
All Lost ...
Faith, Trust and Name ...
All in the name of a Game ...
A game of Thorns ...
A make believe World ...
He believed in.
Nothing left to salvage ...
Savage Beast within ...
Rearing its Ugly head ...
She quietens it ...
Hush! No, he was once my own ...
Whimpering the anger subsides ...
She walks Once again ...
In the incessant rain ...

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