Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Know ...

I know ... you are reading me ...
Don't utter a word ...
You will know me better ...
What I went through in life ...
To be so Bitter.

Yet, hope never dies ..
Am still the hopeless romantic ...
Seeking warmth in every breath ...
Trusting my failing instincts ...
yet hopeful ...
each time I fall ...
i stand up taller ...
I become stronger ...
Am like the gust of wind ...
Gaining momentum ...
With each passing moment.

I know you are reading me ..
Your heart may bleed ...
Stay strong for me ...
That's what you are meant to be ...
A strong pillar ...
A pillar I look at ...
And, gain my inspiration from.

I loved you then ...
I love you now ...The only difference ...
Life goes ON.

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