Saturday, June 15, 2013

Time to Hibernate

Time has come to break free ...
From the shackles of bondage ...
To Society ....
To go into a deep shell ...
And hibernate ....
To cocoon my thoughts ....
To safeguard my feelings ....
Hide away and think ....
Introspect and Retrospect ....
Just walk away from all ...
Go back to my World...
Where none can hurt me.

A World where I am...
None to hurt me ...
None answerable to ...
My world of Peace ...
My World of Love ...
Compassion for all ..
Yet, a Lock separating ...
Them all from me.

It is time to curl up within ...
Feel my own warmth ...
Feel my feelings ...
Take it all out ...
Just to myself ...
I just by myself ...
Best feeling ever...
Rebonding with myself.

Time to Hibernate...
Time to gather strength ..
And, then go out all renewed ...
With new energy and vigour ...
Sapped energy replenished ...
Be the same old myself ...
An Enigma ...
Untouchable ...
None can come near ...
An energy field keeping...
Them all away from...
Unaffected being.

Time to curl up and sleep ...
Time to Hibernate.

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