Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Road to Redemption ...

Long winding tarmac ...
Tree lined sidewalks ...
A Park nearby ...
Children running around playing ...
Smoke billowing from a Bakery ...
Smoky woody waft of Fresh bread being baked ...
A slight breeze rustling the leaves ...
Fallen leaves and twigs crunching under my feet ...
I take the Road to Redemption.
Redemption of my spirits ...
Redemption of the Brownie points earned ..
Redemption of coupons from Life ...
Redemption from sorrows ...
Tempted I walk faster ...
The end seems never ending ...
Yet in the Horizon...
 A Colourful Sunset beckons ...
With my Redemption points.
Along the path...
I see the people who touched my life ...
Right from Birth to this day ...
A life well lived ...
Fulfilled life ...
I know...
I have attained The Ultimate ...
The Lottery mine to keep ...
I smile and walk tall and proud ...
I see my end ...
A beginning in reality ...
A totality of experiences ...
A box of tales to tell ...
I glow in the orange of the setting Sun ...
I bask in the last rays to touch me.
I walk my path to my Redemption.

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