Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The  dust has settled ...
The mind preoccupied ...
Lots of hustle bustle...
Yet an uncanny feeling ...
All isn't right ...
Deep down somewhere ...
The Mind craves ...
The Heart wonders ....
What am I doing here?
Why am I still here?
What is it that I desire?
Why do I build walls?
Why do I burn the bridges?
Why do I walk alone?
Why ?
A big question ...
The answer not known ...
Maybe, known ...
But buried deep within ...
Hidden so no one sees ...
An awkward silence envelopes me ..
I turn around ...
And, get busy again ...
Knowing very well ...
This too shall pass ...
Life's monotony will take over ...
I shall move on ...
Move  on, I shall...
The Wanderer seeking his desires ..
The Wanderlust within.

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