Monday, June 24, 2013

Trappings within ...

Amused at the thoughts ...
That cross my mind ...
Vagrant and juvenile...
Wild and free ...
Thoughts that make me smile ...
Wondering ... What if !

These words ...
Melting pots of wild wisdom...
Pearls white and black ...
Musings trapped within.

The droplets on my window...
Reminding me....
Seasons don't remain the same ...
Not this year, nor another...
Not yesterday ...
Nor today.

Trapped within me ...
A desire ...
No many desires ..
So many...
All to be fulfilled ...
Just a thought ...
What if!

Sheltered , cocooned ...
I look at the Trap door shut ...
Not the one to open it anymore ...
Lest I be hurt again.

My World...
My Place ...
My Bliss...
Trapped the World Outside.

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