Monday, June 24, 2013

The Immortal Mahua ...

Mahua ...
A beautiful fragrant flower...
In life and in death ...
Never stops giving away ..
Her fragrance.

This Mahua too shall live on ...
Though Mortal ...
But fragrant in memories ...
Memories of countless lives ...
A fragment of her heart in million hearts.

Just a sacrificial ceremony ...
In the mind ...
Enough to make her immortal...
Each time the tide turns ..
Each time she is crushed.

The flower, pristine in her appearance ...
Pure and beautiful ...
At peace ...
looks on ...
The Gardener sheds a tear or two...
When she is plucked ...
When they crush her to invite ....
New ones in their basket.

The Immortal Mahua...
Lives on ...
Lingering in memories ...
Lofting in thoughts ...
Lounging in every action you commit...
For she attained the Ultimate ...
When she writ her life away ...
To the service of man & beast ...
Of them all ...
To make Heaven & Earth ...
A better place to live in.

Today, when she cries...
The Gods cry with her...
They know her pain ..
They lash out at mankind ...
For every Woman...
Every Girl is MAHUA.

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