Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Child Woman ...

She grew up ...
She grew Tall ...
She grew large ...
She was huge ...
Yet, she remained a child at heart ...
All forgiving ...
All forgetting ...
Yet, waif like .....
Shy, introvert , a recluse ...
Afraid of the World beyond her own realm ....
Her boundaries...
Set by herself ...
To avoid pain ...
Heartbreak and treachery.
Her bane ... her beauty ...
Her curse ... her anger ...
Suppressed ...
But, when erupted ...
Tore her World apart.

The child woman ...
In the throes of her pain ...
Self esteem lost ...
Bearing lost ... wandered ...
A wanderlust took over ...
Her journey began ...
But, she never lost her innocence ..
Never lost her faith ...
Coz' she was brought up to believe ...
Believe in the good in others ...
Each time she believed ...
She was duped ...
She was ravaged ..
Left high and dry ...
Squeezed and bereft of everything ...
Numbed emotions a return gift ...
A rape of sense and sensibilities.

She bounced back each time ...
She built her life from scratch ...
She reached the pinnacle ..
And, then she took the plunge ...
Left her success behind ...
Started afresh ...
A new challenge ...
Her motto ...
What others can't do...
I shall make a Success story out of it ...
A child like focus ...
Intent on finishing her task ...
Yet, soft at heart ...
Hard in bearing ...
But, a soft kernel within ...
The Child Woman ...
All set to take on the World Once again.

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