Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Full Moon

Looming Large over the Horizon ...
Rising with the setting Sun ...
I look forward to the Moon ...
Romancing the thought ...
Of hands held ..
In a clasp for life ....
Man, Woman & their Dreams ...
Of Eternal Life together ...
In Love ...
Always ...
Just a Dream...
I guess.
A dream with eyes wide open ...
Watching him walk by ...
With another by his side.
The Full Moon ...
The Thoughts of which ...
Bring on Mixed Emotions ...
Feelings raging within ...
Waiting to blurt out in the open...
My shadow following me ...
I walk in the direction of the rising Moon ...
Clouds bespeckled night Sky ...
Moon ...
My Bane or Boon?
My Curse or Dream come True?

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