Thursday, May 30, 2013

Homely ...

Once I had a home ...
 A beautiful home ...
A laughter filled warm home ...
A place where all were welcome ...
 A paradise that opened it's door for all ....
Then, a storm came ...
 A thunderous Typhoon ....
It took all the smiles away ...
It took all the warmth away...
What remained were ruins ....
Skeletons clanking together ....
Hollow far away looks and ....
And, a Mother and her two ...
Thence, she walked every mile alone ..
Two little ones in tow ...
 A vow on her lips ...
To never set up a home again.

She wanders along the paths of wisdom...
Truth and hardwork...
 Toils her days away ...
She walks the path alone unflinching ...
Steely resolve never to be weak again.

No more Homely ...
No more homebound ...
She walks the nights a Ghostly sight....
People wonder who she is ...
She just smiles and walks away.

A lost cause ...
A home broken ...
Three lives lost ...
To the ever vagrant desires of  a man...
Lost humanity ...
Loss of mankind.

Home Sweet Home ...
Rubbles too not to be seen ...
Just ruined hearts ...
Insane sanity ...
A steely resolve ...
To never set up a Home again.

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