Monday, February 24, 2014

The Potency of the Impotent ...

Limited to words ...
Is the potency of the impotent one ...
All he knows is to rave and rant ...
All day long ...
Living off his parents ...
He is nothing ...
But an imbecile fool.

Flexing his muscles ...
he rules over the weak ...
In that knowledge he is happy ...
What a fool he is ...
The impotent One ...
For he knows not ...
That muscles will fail ...
When age catches up with him ...
Frail in his Sunset years ...
He will lament his IMPOTENCY.

The fool ...
And his desires ...
All so vain ...
He seeks solace ...
In the bosom of Hoes ...
He seeks fulfillment ...
where there is none ...
For he shall always remain ...

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