Monday, February 24, 2014

Jugni ...

In remembrance ...
An Ode to Love Lost ...
"Jugni" is my tribute to what we had once.

You saw it coming ...
No? Neither did I.
The Love we confessed to ...
Happened not overnight ...
It just happened over a period of time.
The Apple of your Eye ...
Adam's Apple or William Tell's ...
Is what you know best...
Became so...
After a long period of knowing each other ...
Incomprehensible relation at first ...
Just plain acquaintances ...
To friends ...
To people who would sit up all night talking ...
We became inseparable...
A tie that hasn't broken ...
So what if we don't meet anymore ...
The unsaid ...
The unbroken exists.

Your "Jugni" didn't die ...
She remains  in-existential ...
Watching you pine for her ...
Yet, the chain of pride binds her ...
For you offended her sentiments ...
One too many times.

You pained me with your harsh words ...
So did I return the favor ...
What hurt me most was...
Your affiliations with the others ...
Why another when I was there ?
Those same dialogues could have been ours ...
But you chose to find alternatives ...
To our pure conversations...
It hurts, when the one you love ...
Showers what is yours on others.

Jugni waits in the wings ...
In the shadows of the ramparts of words ...
She watches your back ...
But, she won't emerge from the dark ...
That you pushed her into...
She just watches with tear filled eyes ...
Tears that threaten to spillover ...
And flood the realms of your World...
No, she isn't a weak one ...
She is too strong to let your fears...
Overwhelm her being.

She loved You ...
She Loves You...
She will always Love You ...
But, JUGNI won't chase YOU.

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