Saturday, February 22, 2014

In the Missing ...

In the missing lies the answer...
To a heart that wonders ...
Where does it go wrong ?
When to draw the lines ?
How to treat the emotions uncensored?
How to curb the desires?
Where it all ends?

In the missing ...
Lie the musings...
The random thoughts ....
The whole hulla bulloo  and rantings ...
The words spoken and unspoken ...
The fears allayed ..
All in the missing.

In the missing ...
One realizes what the other means ...
The place the other occupies ..\
The pedestal empty ...
The worshipper crucified...
All in the missing.

The bedazzled specter ...
Of a life unlived ...
The heart ploughed to death ...
Feelings demolished ....
Crushed under their own weight....
All in the missing.

In the missing lies the answer ...
The answer we all seek.

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