Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dichotomy of an Affair ...

Split in to two ...
The Heart murmurs ....
What is this ?
Why am I to choose silence ...
When I want to shout out ...
The mind says ...
Ssshhh don't let your feelings out ...
There are bandits that shall kill them ...
They will throttle the love within ....
They have no heart ....
They use and throw emotions like playing cards.

The days have gone...
When love was cherished ...
Now, it is an affair ...
An affair with many ...
Friends stabbing you in the back ....
Love gone sour ...
The Lover finding others to fill the void...
An Affair best split in two or more ...
One here another there ...
Two friends One Lover ...
It is a Heart split in two ...
The Dichotomy of an affair.

Trusting others has led to pain...
Trust no more ...
Live life as if none exists ...
The affair a long forgotten past ...
Do not splice the feelings ...
They are eternal ...
Feelings don't die ...
People do....
Affairs don't end ...
They are split in two.

The Binary fission of an affair ...
But with a twist ...
One soul left lamenting ...
Another gallavanting.

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