Saturday, February 22, 2014

Aura ...

There is a certain Aura around her...
The way she walks ...
The  way she talks ..,
The way she presents herself to the World ...
There is a way about her ...
That none can match ...
She is bright ...
She is confident ...
She is child like ...
Yet she is a Woman ...
All look upto.

The simple smile ...
Simple yet caring ...
Caring yet sensual ...
Yes, That!
That is the aura around her ...
Young and old ....
Love her ....
Abysmal smile ....
She is the ultimate desire of every aching heart.

Yes! There is an aura around her...
The aura of confidence ...
An aura of positive self worth ...
That is what sets her apart ...
Not being part of the crowd ...
She moves fluidly ...
In her own space.

The aura of her shine ...
The shine in her aura ...
She is the desire of Satan ...
She is the desire of Adonis ...
She is there ...
Yet nobody can touch her soul ..
She drifts in her own World ..
Her Aura shining bright.

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