Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just Like That #JLT

Everything was hunky dory ...
Life was going on smoothly ...
The nest was in place neat and tidy ...
JUST LIKE THAT one day ....
A sudden wind swept it all away ...
Just like that a home disappeared ...
And, ruins appeared ...
Just like that innocent eyes became ice cold ....
Just like that humanity was lost ...
And, a cold heart appeared ...
Just like that she walked away into the unknown ...
The oblivion engulfing her ...
The shadows swallowing her...
Just like that she was lost forever.

She emerged one fine day just like that ...
Out of nowhere ...
But, it wasn't her former self ....
This time round what came forth was ...
A person with a mind of her own ...
An incorrigible truant mind ...
That hated men just like that.
Thence none escaped her volatility ...
None could garner the courage to face her ...
She was the She devil ...
That crushed the men who hurt the innocent...
She was the Messiah of the weak ...
A title she got ...

Whatever she did ...
She did Just Like That.

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