Friday, February 14, 2014

Love is Blind ...

Love, a blatantly singular word...
Keeping within its confines ...
Manifold emotions for a human mind ...
Making us go through varied pangs ...
Of requited and unrequited love.

Love ... is Blind ...
Indeed said in a lighter context ...
Our love withstood the test of time ...
We crossed the river of intense emotions ...
Ups and downs of life's varied motions ...
Motives of hatred and passion ...
Unlimited words ...
Yet, we came around in each others arms ...
Just back again in bliss...
That is Love ...
Blind unbridled Love ...
You are the Man as always ...
I wait upon your words ...
This time round ...
I give the reins to you ...
For am blinded by your Love.

I wait upon you ..
Eager ears for your footsteps ...
Eyes beseechingly furtive ...
Glancing at the door ...
I wait to hear you say the magic words ...
Whisper in my ears ..
warm breath against the nape of my neck ..
A tingling down my spine.

Yes .. Blinded by Love ...
I wait ...
For you are the Man ...
I am your woman....
We make beautiful music together ...
We Tango to that rhythm ...
Our World entwined in emotions ...
We bide our time...
For Love is Blind.

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