Friday, March 14, 2014

The First Kiss ...

The freshness of it all ...
Still lingering on my lips ...
I remember our first Kiss ...
With fondness abound ...
I remember every moment ...
Right from the awkward silence ...
To holding hands ...
Resting of your head on my shoulder ...
And my head on your head ...
A billion sensations running ...
Through my veins ...
When our hair met ...
An electric current ...
Sending sensations through every bit of me ...
The silence said it all.

The first Kiss ...
Saying it all ...
A stolen moment ...
Magical ...
Followed by some more ...
Taking us to the Seventh Heaven ...
A feeling best left undescribed ..
Just felt by two hearts ...
Beating as one.

Lest I make a fool of myself ...
Let the Silence speak for itself ...
It holds memories of our First Kiss.

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