Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Child Woman ...

She grew up ...
She grew Tall ...
She grew large ...
She was huge ...
Yet, she remained a child at heart ...
All forgiving ...
All forgetting ...
Yet, waif like .....
Shy, introvert , a recluse ...
Afraid of the World beyond her own realm ....
Her boundaries...
Set by herself ...
To avoid pain ...
Heartbreak and treachery.
Her bane ... her beauty ...
Her curse ... her anger ...
Suppressed ...
But, when erupted ...
Tore her World apart.

The child woman ...
In the throes of her pain ...
Self esteem lost ...
Bearing lost ... wandered ...
A wanderlust took over ...
Her journey began ...
But, she never lost her innocence ..
Never lost her faith ...
Coz' she was brought up to believe ...
Believe in the good in others ...
Each time she believed ...
She was duped ...
She was ravaged ..
Left high and dry ...
Squeezed and bereft of everything ...
Numbed emotions a return gift ...
A rape of sense and sensibilities.

She bounced back each time ...
She built her life from scratch ...
She reached the pinnacle ..
And, then she took the plunge ...
Left her success behind ...
Started afresh ...
A new challenge ...
Her motto ...
What others can't do...
I shall make a Success story out of it ...
A child like focus ...
Intent on finishing her task ...
Yet, soft at heart ...
Hard in bearing ...
But, a soft kernel within ...
The Child Woman ...
All set to take on the World Once again.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Know ...

I know ... you are reading me ...
Don't utter a word ...
You will know me better ...
What I went through in life ...
To be so Bitter.

Yet, hope never dies ..
Am still the hopeless romantic ...
Seeking warmth in every breath ...
Trusting my failing instincts ...
yet hopeful ...
each time I fall ...
i stand up taller ...
I become stronger ...
Am like the gust of wind ...
Gaining momentum ...
With each passing moment.

I know you are reading me ..
Your heart may bleed ...
Stay strong for me ...
That's what you are meant to be ...
A strong pillar ...
A pillar I look at ...
And, gain my inspiration from.

I loved you then ...
I love you now ...The only difference ...
Life goes ON.

Monday, June 24, 2013

When Heaven Cried ...

I haven't shed a tear so far ...
They the clouds , the Heaven, The Gods ...
Are doing the needful...
They are crying coz' their daughter is hurting ...
They can do nothing ...
But cry their heart out ...
Flood the World ...
Create havoc in pain ...
They are letting their fury out ....
On Mankind that hurt their daughter ....
How can I cry, when they weep in Unison for me?
My heart is heavy, but  am smiling ...
Little ones watch me ...
How can I cry?
They would cry too ...
I can't let the innocent cry with me....
So, the rest of the mankind suffers ...
As God's daughter suffers in Silence.

The Heaven cries...
Creating Hell on Earth ...
Am surrounded by waterlogged roads ...
Pathways people take for their home...
All hell has broken loose...
People are scampering home ..
I sit here watching ...
Their sufferings ...
Coz' God's daughter doesn't cry ...
She was never meant to cry ...
She watches mankind cry ...
Her smile dry on her dry lips ...
Her eyes vacant ...
She is Me ...
And, I don't cry ...
I make them cry that bring aches to the innocent ...
I make the devil pay for his sins ...
The devil is Man...
See  his sins ...
Watch his brethren suffer.

The Heavens cry for me ...
The Gods shed their tears ...
I watch silently ...
I have no fear.

The fall of the Titan ...

Every great pillar of strength has his or her weakness. What comes up, that rises up, has to fall ; be it the rupee or dollar as in the thirties or the great temple of the greatest Shiva... Then who am I? Am just a small bits of atoms and molecules that had its rise but on the way, lost her way and fell into a deep abyss of heartache and pain.

When Titan fell, the Sea was in a turmoil... With my fall, my World comes apart. A small little World of happy dailies and smiles; Now, no more... nothing left, just bits and pieces of a Woman considered Strong but really a waif shivering in the Monsoon rain.

The Earth with all its glory, will one day wither away too, the smell of the beautiful flower will be remembered... in memories ; a World of machines, we all have become... feelings to be played with ... to be tread upon, crushed and walked upon.

Blame it on your faith and give your all believing in the false kisses and hugs... promises of a tomorrow and then the Devil turns around and says  it was a mutual understanding. What a misunderstanding leading to the fall of the Titan.

A Toy to be played with and then left astray, forgotten in some godforsaken corner of the room ... never to be found again. Dust and rust, a gift given while leaving.

Titan met his fate, Titanic drowned in Icy waters ... Where does this Woman go? Which Ocean to drown in? Which river to be taken away with? With landslide to bury me? Which Avalanche has my name written on it?

The Fall of the Titan .... A grim Reality!

Trappings within ...

Amused at the thoughts ...
That cross my mind ...
Vagrant and juvenile...
Wild and free ...
Thoughts that make me smile ...
Wondering ... What if !

These words ...
Melting pots of wild wisdom...
Pearls white and black ...
Musings trapped within.

The droplets on my window...
Reminding me....
Seasons don't remain the same ...
Not this year, nor another...
Not yesterday ...
Nor today.

Trapped within me ...
A desire ...
No many desires ..
So many...
All to be fulfilled ...
Just a thought ...
What if!

Sheltered , cocooned ...
I look at the Trap door shut ...
Not the one to open it anymore ...
Lest I be hurt again.

My World...
My Place ...
My Bliss...
Trapped the World Outside.

Dost ...

Dekh li teri yaari ...
Saale Duniyadari ...
Sachcha pyar dhoondne nikley ...
Tuney dikha di dildari ...
Dekh li teri yaari ..
Woh hai mujhe Jaan se pyari .

Tu tu naa reh kar bhi lutata raha ...
Itna saaman tere paas aata kahan se...
Jis ko dekh de deta hai ...
Apne liye kyun nahi bachata.

Bahut dekha hai khud ko khudi mein marte huye ..
Tu hi mila saath doobney ke liye?

Chal dekh li teri yari ...
Rehne de Duniyadari ...
Ek jaam utha ...
Chal Disco chal ...
Machayein wahan Hulchul ...
Kuch toh ho shor kam ...
Ziddo jehen ka ...
Tu bhi thalla ...
Mein bhi nithalli.

The Immortal Mahua ...

Mahua ...
A beautiful fragrant flower...
In life and in death ...
Never stops giving away ..
Her fragrance.

This Mahua too shall live on ...
Though Mortal ...
But fragrant in memories ...
Memories of countless lives ...
A fragment of her heart in million hearts.

Just a sacrificial ceremony ...
In the mind ...
Enough to make her immortal...
Each time the tide turns ..
Each time she is crushed.

The flower, pristine in her appearance ...
Pure and beautiful ...
At peace ...
looks on ...
The Gardener sheds a tear or two...
When she is plucked ...
When they crush her to invite ....
New ones in their basket.

The Immortal Mahua...
Lives on ...
Lingering in memories ...
Lofting in thoughts ...
Lounging in every action you commit...
For she attained the Ultimate ...
When she writ her life away ...
To the service of man & beast ...
Of them all ...
To make Heaven & Earth ...
A better place to live in.

Today, when she cries...
The Gods cry with her...
They know her pain ..
They lash out at mankind ...
For every Woman...
Every Girl is MAHUA.

The Red Car...

The Red Car...
Bright and beautiful ...
Majestic and rich ...
A colour no other car can boast of...
A colour chosen with love ...
A car chosen for love ...
A car chosen when in love ...
Jealous is she?
Whoever drives her ...
The Red car sees Red ...
And, drives them away.
Memories attached to the Red Car ...
Sweet pleasant memories ...
The first drive ...
The Sad memories ...
The last drive with the loved one...
Now, she lies idle ....
Waiting for the one ....
Whose dream she was ...
The Red Car can never have another ...
Holding her wheels again.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Con Man ...

He lay his trap ...
Well thought out plan with his partner ...
How do we con this lady in our trap?

He ensnared me in his trap ...
He made me believe...
Believe in a love ...
He never had ...
Just a fake Love ...
I believed him ...
Gave myself completely ...
And, now he masks himself ...
Hides ...
Runs away from the Reality ...
Reality that I am ...
A repertoire of his Sins...
An open book of all that ...
He shows to the World..
The Opposite of it..
My experience ...
Jilted in Love by a Con Man ...
A monster beyond comprehension ...
A picture book of ideals ..
But, a Satan in Real Life ...
The Con Man ...
Beware of him ...
For no woman young or Old ...
Is ever safe in his company.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Time to Hibernate

Time has come to break free ...
From the shackles of bondage ...
To Society ....
To go into a deep shell ...
And hibernate ....
To cocoon my thoughts ....
To safeguard my feelings ....
Hide away and think ....
Introspect and Retrospect ....
Just walk away from all ...
Go back to my World...
Where none can hurt me.

A World where I am...
None to hurt me ...
None answerable to ...
My world of Peace ...
My World of Love ...
Compassion for all ..
Yet, a Lock separating ...
Them all from me.

It is time to curl up within ...
Feel my own warmth ...
Feel my feelings ...
Take it all out ...
Just to myself ...
I just by myself ...
Best feeling ever...
Rebonding with myself.

Time to Hibernate...
Time to gather strength ..
And, then go out all renewed ...
With new energy and vigour ...
Sapped energy replenished ...
Be the same old myself ...
An Enigma ...
Untouchable ...
None can come near ...
An energy field keeping...
Them all away from...
Unaffected being.

Time to curl up and sleep ...
Time to Hibernate.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Love Unlimited ...unabashedly...

First time , first time in my life ...
Have I found someone...
Who has had the audacity to look me in the eye and say ...
I am Wrong!
He said I love you ...
But, also has the courage to point out my mistakes...
Hats off to this love ...
For once, I have met my MATCH.
Unabashed I profess my undying Love for him...
For what is love if I don't respect my Man...
I do ...
Love unlimited and profound ...
For you and you Only ...
If you understand ...
Else ... My Loss

When the time comes ...

I shall be standing where you left me ...
I shall be living my life ...
Albeit lifeless junkie ...
I shall still live ...
Difficult it is ...
To forget moments ...
The stillness of the night ...
An encumbrance ...
To sense and sensibilities ..
Moments spent with you...
Memories that haven't faded...
Faded have the marks ..
Of passion and wild romance ...
But not indelible marks of love.

When the time comes ....
To think of good times...
Your thoughts will bring a mile on my lips ...
A twinkle in my eyes ..
Fingers entwined ...
Head laid on your bare chest ...
Images even time can't erase.

The eternal bliss of lovers ...
Just lying satisfied ...
In each others arms ..
A moment not forgotten ...
Never forgotten ever ..
Even when the time comes ...
When we are together no more.

When the time comes ...
To look back and choose memoirs to carry ...
In the ultimate Journey ...
Moments spent with you ...
Are all I shall remember ...
And carry forth in life beyond.


The  dust has settled ...
The mind preoccupied ...
Lots of hustle bustle...
Yet an uncanny feeling ...
All isn't right ...
Deep down somewhere ...
The Mind craves ...
The Heart wonders ....
What am I doing here?
Why am I still here?
What is it that I desire?
Why do I build walls?
Why do I burn the bridges?
Why do I walk alone?
Why ?
A big question ...
The answer not known ...
Maybe, known ...
But buried deep within ...
Hidden so no one sees ...
An awkward silence envelopes me ..
I turn around ...
And, get busy again ...
Knowing very well ...
This too shall pass ...
Life's monotony will take over ...
I shall move on ...
Move  on, I shall...
The Wanderer seeking his desires ..
The Wanderlust within.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Full Moon

Looming Large over the Horizon ...
Rising with the setting Sun ...
I look forward to the Moon ...
Romancing the thought ...
Of hands held ..
In a clasp for life ....
Man, Woman & their Dreams ...
Of Eternal Life together ...
In Love ...
Always ...
Just a Dream...
I guess.
A dream with eyes wide open ...
Watching him walk by ...
With another by his side.
The Full Moon ...
The Thoughts of which ...
Bring on Mixed Emotions ...
Feelings raging within ...
Waiting to blurt out in the open...
My shadow following me ...
I walk in the direction of the rising Moon ...
Clouds bespeckled night Sky ...
Moon ...
My Bane or Boon?
My Curse or Dream come True?

The Road to Redemption ...

Long winding tarmac ...
Tree lined sidewalks ...
A Park nearby ...
Children running around playing ...
Smoke billowing from a Bakery ...
Smoky woody waft of Fresh bread being baked ...
A slight breeze rustling the leaves ...
Fallen leaves and twigs crunching under my feet ...
I take the Road to Redemption.
Redemption of my spirits ...
Redemption of the Brownie points earned ..
Redemption of coupons from Life ...
Redemption from sorrows ...
Tempted I walk faster ...
The end seems never ending ...
Yet in the Horizon...
 A Colourful Sunset beckons ...
With my Redemption points.
Along the path...
I see the people who touched my life ...
Right from Birth to this day ...
A life well lived ...
Fulfilled life ...
I know...
I have attained The Ultimate ...
The Lottery mine to keep ...
I smile and walk tall and proud ...
I see my end ...
A beginning in reality ...
A totality of experiences ...
A box of tales to tell ...
I glow in the orange of the setting Sun ...
I bask in the last rays to touch me.
I walk my path to my Redemption.

A Requiem to a Relationship lost

The Largest Moon of the Year...
Romantic Moon nearest to Earth ...
A Blossoming Budding love ...
Two Lovers ... A promise made ...
To culminate their Love that Night ...
All dreams shattered ...
He walked away ...
She turned around and walked away too.
Once or twice she looked back ...
He wasn't there ...
lost in a World ...
Falsified by false beliefs ...
She sought Truth ...
She decided to walk the path alone again ...
This time too much at stake ...
All Lost ...
Faith, Trust and Name ...
All in the name of a Game ...
A game of Thorns ...
A make believe World ...
He believed in.
Nothing left to salvage ...
Savage Beast within ...
Rearing its Ugly head ...
She quietens it ...
Hush! No, he was once my own ...
Whimpering the anger subsides ...
She walks Once again ...
In the incessant rain ...