Sunday, December 11, 2022

The hate is REAL ! #GoFigure

That ugly frizzled hair woman...
The charlatan...
The home breaker...
How does she sleep each night...
Knowing well that she's displaced a family...
Made kids fatherless...
Kids who lost their childhood...
How does she get her forty winks even ? ...
The hatred for her is real ...
Big time ...
The hate is real ...
And, the nincompoop whi played along...
Still playing elsewhere...
For the fortune he hopes to inherit some day...
Little knowing that he's being played along ...
Nothing else ! #GoFigure

Friday, October 14, 2022

Of diamonds and rubies ! #GoFigure

When an unhappily married man...
A man who married for money...
Gives a diamond and Ruby ring to his ugly spouse...
Know it well...
A similar jewellery...
He has given a similar jewellery to his mistress Nigar too...
He's guilty and...
History repeats itself...
He's hiding his infidelity...
With a diamond and ruby ring...
So be under no pretenses...
Do not strut around like a proud peacock...
In this instance...
An ugly peahen...
He doesn't love you...
He loves your inheritance...
And he's hiding his infidelity...
Behind a diamond and ruby ring ! #GoFigure 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Nigar Fatima Husain... The Home breaker ! #GoFigure

This is the story of the woman...
Who broke one too many homes ...
Including hers.
Nigar Fatima Husain...
She left her husband for her husband ...
Yet remains single...
And still frolicks with him ...
Behind the back of his second wife ...
Either the second one knows and turns a blind eye...
Or is totally unaware of their liaison...
Nigar Fatima Husain...
Snatched the childhood away of two innocent children...
She invaded the home of a perfect couple...
Wait! Was it really a perfect home?
Wasn't the husband an alway infidel bastard ...
He married the second one for her money...
He left the first for his uncontrollable libido ...
Abandoning his own flesh and blood...
In search of his lust and horny desire fulfillment...
Nigar Fatima Husain, continues to be concubine behind the shades of grey ...
He continues to wretchedly enjoy the sins of flesh...
Under the garb of sainthood ! #GoFigure 

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger! #GoFigure

Being strong is her bane today...
But once upon a time...
Being strong eluded her ...
What with societal norms...
And orthodox thoughts...
They still exist but...
In a subtle manner ...
Under different guises of support...
But none the less...
Barricades and obstacles to being a strong woman...
They tried to kill her ...
Under different pretexts ...
If they couldn't kill her physically...
They tried mental and emotional torture ...
They thought they had succeeded ...
Yet, she emerged from her ashes...
Bigger and stronger ...
Fir what doesn't kill you...
Makes you stronger ! #GoFigure 

Monday, June 13, 2022

She's but a fool... Slut in a slit! #GoFigure

She's but a fool ...
Whispers in the corridors...
Whispers in the ladies powder rooms...
Whispers amongst his coursemates ...
Why does she strut around...
Like a proud peacock...
For what she doesn't deserve...
She feels the glory of her predecessor...
As her own...
She came much much later...
The hard work, sweat and toil ...
Was her predecessor's , not hers ...
She's but a fool ...
Wearing a slit doesn't make you a lady ...
It makes you look like a slut in a slit ...
Don't cut your own throat ...
And you call yourself a counselor ...
Hahaha! Joke of the millennium ...
Slut in a slit is most apt ! #GoFigure 

Monday, May 23, 2022

He's a good actor... #GoFigure #DoubleInnuendo

Observing the trial of Johnny and Amber ...
She clearly can see ...
How Amber was manipulated to react in the way she did during her marriage...
Johnny is a great actor and she can see the skill with which he's playing the innocent victim ...
Garnering sympathy by painting the wife as a horrific beast ...
She recalls ...
She relates ...
Men too can act as victims and get away with murder ...
Especially in India ...
It's a man's world ...
Domestic abuse victims aren't given the justice they deserve ...
Abuse isn't just a physical scar. ..
It's years of social emotional torment ...
The scars of which aren't visible but ...
Take a toll on a woman's psyche ...
Leaving her scarred and traumatized for the entire life ...
No one blames the man and his family for driving a woman crazy ...
They act innocent ...
They are protected ...
The second wife is led to believe that lie ...
Sigh! It sucks ...
A woman is a woman's worst nightmare and enemy ! #GoFogure 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Of Crushes Of Childhood And Blunders Of Youth !

From mooning over Joel Harlow from one of the Mills and Boons novel to Rahul Mehta based on Joel Harlow, a figment of her imagination ...
Somewhere in that gorge of stepping into being herself...
She was lost between the crushes of childhood and blunders of her youth !
Shyly smiling at Rajesh Karpe's antics in the classroom to giggling at the naughty tricks of Kinshuk Rakshit ...
Somewhere there ...
Swooning over Tanveer Shah from another section ...
And actually really having feelings for Donald Duck ...
That's what she referred to him as , Pratik Sarkar...
Teased by Reena Sinha when they saw him getting off the potty coloured yellow fiat car of his father every morning...
She grew up without actually growing up ...
Till she met Prabhat Tickoo ...
Her shy glances and his boldness...
Taking her pen away ...
Whilst she dabbled in poetry about him...
The ice cream at Breach Candy ...
Dropping her off to college in his scooter ...
The awkward silence in the old lift with shutters ...
Losing him finally to his career in aviation and Mamma's boy syndrome...
Porus getting her chocolates and Siwatch declaring his lovevon rose day with the epithet... See your watch tell the truth before the strongman blows the horn...
Such innocence of the teen years ...
Being pursued by Arun Singh and shying away from men...
Raghu , another one of Mamma's boy...
Manish Bhandari just another mamma's boy in love with her ...
But, she chose the blunder of her youth ...
A regret that punishes her to this day ...
An infidel that ruined her life forever! #GoFigure
She's come a long way since then...
In the 52nd summer of her life ...
She remenisces with a smile looking at the rising Sun in the horizon ...
A lovely story to tell...
Tales of the light ...
Tales of love and loss ...
But beautiful stories full of anecdotes...
Funny and filled with laughter ...
A youth lost ...
A silver sunset gained ! #GoFigure 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Just another real story from the past !

On a cold night somewhere in the North of India...
The Phoenix was taking a bath ...
The lights went off...
It was dark in the bathroom...
Phoenix was covered in soap sud top to bottom...
The water in the tap turned ice cold...
Then the water stopped running...
She was gripped in fear ...
She suffered from claustrophobia as it is ...
And, now this ...
Somehow she managed to dry herself ...
Dressed and ...
She came out ...
What does she she ?
Her father in law had switched off the electricity mains and the water mains ...
She asked why...
And her mother in law replied...
Your Dad doesn't pay the bills ...
So make do with what you get !
She was stunned...
This was just one of the incidents of the many that happened...
She tried telling her husband...
But, he was in cahoots with them...
He was having an affair with a woman from another community ....
Under their approved watchful eyes...
She wasn't aware ...
Till very late ...
Very very late ...
The Phoenix reduced to ashes ...
Destroyed by her very own ...
Just for the insatiable lust he had for his carnal desires...
Just another story...
From one of many ...
That bespoke her death ...
And rise from her ashes ! #GoFigure

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Betty Broderick Story...

From start to finish...
Frame to frame...
It's her story ...
The Betty Broderick Story ...
Every sacrifice Betty made ...
Every instance in her life ...
Dan's infidelity...
Dan's betrayal of Betty's trust ...
Dan's ambitions...
Betty's letting go of her own desires ...
Every bit matches with her story ...
Just in another era and decade ...
She sees herself portrayed in the web series ...
She knows it word to word ...
As her own story ...
Her infidel husband ...
Her losing her mind ...
The stressful situations ...
Him implicating her falsely ...
Her run from pillar to post for justice ...
Yet, no justice given ...
She relates to The Betty Broderick Story ! #GoFigure 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Prized Possession ! #GoFigure

She clings to him...
As if he might slip away...
She knows the truth...
Yet chooses to ignore...
And, she sticks to him...
Glued in all the photographs...
Proof of her insecurity...
Telltale signs...
She doesn't trust him...
Yet, he's her trophy...
To flaunt around...
Oblivious to the fact...
He plays her downright...
Right under her nose...
He has fun...
And she doesn't know...
For she's content with her prized possession...
As he's happy...
Rolling in her millions...

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Do you want to buy #NFTs ?

WTLF Stories #04912

"So you're into NFTs? Oh please DO tell me more..."

Available @opensea:

#WTLF #StoryTime #nft #nftcollection #new #original #nfts #meta

Thursday, January 27, 2022

What Abdullah wants, Abdullah gets ! #GoFigure #NFT

WTLF Stories #08383

What Abdullah wants, Abudllah gets. 

Buy at:

#WTLF #NFTcollection @opensea #NFT #NFTs #NFTcollectible

When you have never been wrong! #NFT

WTLF Stories #09009

"I have never been wrong in my life. Once I thought I was wrong... Turns out I was mistaken.” – Al Wes Wright.

Buy at:

#WTLF #StoryTime @opensea #NFT #nftcollection #new #original #nfts

Your Expression ! #NFT

Your reaction says everything about how long you have been hodling!!

#WTLF #NFT #NFTcollection @opensea #NFTcollectible #Original #CryptoCrash #Meh

It was her plan! #NFT

WTLF Stories #09480

It only seemed like she was just a damsel in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fact is, it was all going according to her plan. 

Buy at:

#WTLF #StoryTime @opensea #NFT #nftcollection #new #original #nfts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Monty Chaddha in Japan ?#NFT #GoFigure

WTLF Stories #09678

Monty Chadda has to be the happiest Punjabi in Tokyo today. Maybe it’s Tokyo, or maybe it’s the 17-year old Hibiki in his glass half-full!

#WTLF #StoryTime @opensea #NFT #nftcollection #new #original #nfts #Cheers

NFTs for sale... Here's one!

WTLF Story #09323

Unfortunately, George got his tattoo done before the final season of Game of Thrones aired.

Buy at:

#WTLF #StoryTime #nft #nftcollection #new #original #nfts @opensea

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Buying NFTs is easy ! #GoFigure

"Why the long face?” This question started a journey of proving that a long face can be much more than just sad. Happy, angry, suspicious, guilty & much more. Now we have 10,000 “long faces” to prove it. 

For sale at 

#WTLF #NFT #Collection @opensea

The Malevolent Spirit!

Pray, it does not desire you ...
The Malevolent Spirit ...
Born out of despair ...
For Mankind has been unkind ...
Nature beckons it from within ...
The Malevolent Spirit ...
Befalling upon Man ...
The evil desires of his own deeds ...
Pray, that it is not you ...
Pray, that it is not your turn ...
For, you have sinned ...
Oh yes! You have sinned and soiled ...
The very Earth that fed you ...
Mankind is in peril ...
For they have brought the curse upon themselves ...
The desires of the Malevolent Spirit ! 
#GoFigure #ClimateChange 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Sitting in silence !

She watched the fireflies...
Flitting around...
Sitting in silence...
She watched them fly by ...
The night sky...
Bright in the light ...
Shed by the fireflies...
Her garden of Eden...
Lit up like stars in the dark blue sky ...
No moon to show the path ...
Her silence and the fireflies...
Sitting in silence...
She watched the night go by ...
Sitting in silence...
She watched the sun rise over the horizon...
In silence, she walked away ! #GoFigure

Reading Me, Eh ?

I know it ...
Your deep rooted fear ...
Hence, you read me ...
Lest I rat out on you ...
Hehe ! 
Or, the thought ...
That you can know me ...
Through these trivia ...
On my blog !
No, my friend or foe ...
You don't know me ...
For better or for worse ...
I know...
I know, you are reading me ...
You don't know me better ...
Than, what you made me go through ...
You are suffering the uncertainty ...
I am enjoying watching you suffer ...
I know, you are reading me ! #GoFigure 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Time Warp!

She's stuck somewhere...
Between the deceit in the past ...
And today ...
Cocooned and deeply nestled ...
In a hidden nest...
Built to protect her ...
From possible deceit again ...
So despite craving company...
She is leading a life of solitude...
She does crave company ...
Yes, she does ...
But, steps back after contact ...
Lest there be deceit again ...
And she's not proven wrong ...
Her decision has saved her so far ...
From wolves wearing the skin of sheeps ...
They come in drives ...
Acting as though they understand her ...
But actually, are mere perverts or greedy pigs ...
Wanting nothing but either the Reserve Bank Mint ...
Or a mint with a hole ...
She steps back ...
Retreats in her warm little nest ...
Wondering, what if ?
A time warp on loop ...
Just ticking away !

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cuddling Pillows !

The bucket list is endless ...
One was always to possess...
Goose feather pillows ...
Finally, she had four of them ...
In the massive expanse of her empty bed ...
Now, each night she sleeps...
Hugging her bucket list ...
And her down feather comforts ...
Every morning, she awakens ...
To the softness of her pillows ...
Cuddling Pillows ...
There's more comfort in cuddling pillows ...
Than you know what! 
Pillows don't hurt your feelings ...
Pillows are always around to be hugged ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

He loves me, he loves me not !

From time immemorial...
Girls have always plucked petals off flowers...
Mumbling; he loves me, he loves me not ...
Today also, it's no different...
For the ones who still believe in...
The good old love stories...
The Mills and Boon kind of love ...
The silhouette of the proposed lover...
Tucked away in the mind ...
Only difference ...
We are not ready to say it out aloud...
Lest there is a rejection ...
In doing so, multitude of love affairs...
Never materialize ...
For ego is a bitch ...
That can ruin relationships...
Before they even blossom ...
Now, where's my four leaf Clover? 
He loves me, he loves me not ... #GoFigure 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Early morning conversations !

A page from the past ...
The early morning conversations ...
Now, past ...
Yet, so fresh in her mind ...
His mindfulness ...
Her laughter with gay abandonment ...
The cute moments ...
Still fresh in her mind ...
In her memories ...
His smiling face looking into the camera ...
Recording a message ...
Making her feel special ...
Just vivid memories in her head ...
She picks up her phone in anticipation...
Whether he be online or not ...
Checking, rechecking ...
Early morning conversations...
Relegated to the past ! #GoFigure 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Rangbhumi !

His acting skills seem to have improved over time ...
Or all that is projected is an act ...
Those kids seem to resent him ...
Yet, they don't show the hatred on social media ...
There is an underlying current of defiance ...
They don't show it to the world ...
Just for their Mother ...
She is definitely rich ...
No wonder, he is on a leash ...
Enjoying the riches of the second better half ...
What an act ! 
He definitely deserves an Oscar for it ...
She is either a fool who doesn't know ...
Or, she is a better actor ...
Hiding the truth she knows ! 
It is a Rangbhumi they are in ...
When the show ends ...
They will all be gone their ways ...
Lonely and battered ...
What a show! 
And, the show must go on for the time being ...
Rest, Karma is certainly a BITCH ! 
The Rangbhumi of Karma ...
Will tell in time ...
Who was the victim and who the perpetrators !
Till then #GoFigure

Saturday, January 15, 2022

An object of desire ! #GoFigure

After a peg or two of Jim Beam ...
If you find her as an object of desire ...
Beat it, my boy! 
You are no match for her ...
She's beyond you in the school of desire ...
She isn't some instant momo you can steam ...
She isn't for you to take ...
She's far too ahead of you in this game ...
It's a no go situation when you are drunk ...
And, you desire her ...
Else, she's forgotten in your day to day life ...
She ain't your night queen ...
She's way ahead into the dawn of the day ... 
She ain't an object of desire ...
She's desire itself ...
But, on her terms ...
You can't flit in and out at your own behest ...
She decides when you can have her or never ...

Friday, January 14, 2022

Steadfast Friends!

She has to date only a couple of real good friends...
Steadfast Friends...
Who have withstood the ravages of times ...
Friends, whom she can count on the fingers of one hand only...
But, real friends...
With no hidden motives or agendas ...
There's the best friend forever...
The Grand Old Man ...
He watches over her...
Advises her ...
And, can you believe it...
They have never met ...
Nor will they ever meet in this lifetime...
But they are best friends...
He knows every pulse of hers...
Every move ...
He knows her better than herself...
He's always around...
Like the Eye Surgeon friend of hers...
They are a brain squirt together...
But steadfast indeed...
He's become the family physician too in times of COVID...
But, he's a great person to have around...
When the mood is down ...
He uplifts her mood ...
She sees through the eyes he cares for...
Then, there's the couple from her past...
Who keep an eye on every move of hers...
They dote over her kids ...
It's fun to gossip with the lady...
She's a treasure trove of gossip...
But, she stood by her always...
To count on her fingers...
These are her steadfast friends indeed ! #GoFigure

Brazen Virtues! #GoFigure

He thinks that women are expendable ...
The misogyny and patriarchy of the mindset ... 
The lilac purple and crimson look ...
One of brazen virtues ...
One where none exists ...
Walk the path alone...
For they don't deserve you ...
He doesn't deserve you ! #GoFigure 

Expectations !

Fuck the expectations ...
Expectations fuck with the peace of your mind...
Letting go ain't easy...
But that's the only way to unduck your mind. ..
Declutter the heart ...
Feelings lead to expectations ...
Have no feelings ...
That's the best remedy to heal ...

Pinned Hopes ! #GoFigure

When was the last time your hopes were held high?
When was it that hope materialised into something beautiful?
Never do hopes come to realisation...
There's always an if and a but ...
There's always somebody's butt being kicked somewhere ...
Hopes don't materialise...
Whatever the positivity Gurus may say ...
Destiny isn't destined to keep your hopes flying...
They dash to the ground ...
Just like a mismanaged Airplane ...
So, cut down on the emotional drama ...
There's no hope for any kind of happiness for anyone...
We are all just living by ...
In hopes of a better tomorrow...
But, the tomorrow never comes...
If tomorrow comes...
Be ready but not hopeful ! #GoFigure 

Birthday Gift! #GoFigure

They weren't in touch with each other...
His birthday came up ...
They literally kissed and made up ...
She wished him ...
And, asked what do you desire for your birthday?
He said ...Write for me ! 
So, she wrote for him...
About him...
But, words cannot sum up...
What she wants to write for him...
About him...
About her feelings for him...
She's at a loss for words to describe...
The feelings she experiences...
When she hears his voice ...
And, he feels it a burden to speak?
She's trying to control the desire...
To connect always ...
She doesn't want to seem despondent...
Desperate for his voice...
She is a lady...
And a lady wouldn't ...
But, matters of the heart take over ...
It's so frustrating ...
To not be able to express what you feel...
Even in words ...
Because it's an expression...
A feeling...
No one can pen it ...
You have to feel it ...
He has to feel it...
His Birthday Gift ! #GoFigure

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Sparrow And The Dragonfly, The Snails And The Aphids !

They visit her each morning ...
The Sparrow and the dragonfly ...
While she sips her morning cup of tea ...
A multitude of it followed up ...
Watching life aflutter outside ...
Just outside...
Beyond the four walls of her cage ...
A cage she calls home ...
Beyond the flower bed ...
And the grills ...
Life lives ...
Skittles around ...
Wings flapping ...
Buzzing about ...
The Dragonfly and the Sparrow ...
Teasing her ...
Mocking her immobility ...
Giving her company in her cage...
They are the only friends she sees everyday...
Also, the pesty snails and the aphids ...
They test her patience and yet ...
They are welcome in her little garden ...
The Sparrow and the Dragonfly ...
The snails and the aphids ! #GoFigure 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Yearning for more...

He made a short statement ...
Making her yearn for more ...
His spoken words ...
Her written words ...
A melangé of emotions from two different people ...
Yet, a consummation of two feelings as one.
In flight, she's sure;
He's thinking of what could be ...
Sipping a cup of tea ...
She types of what could be !
A meeting of two different worlds ...
An exploration of bodies ravaged with time ...
An explosion of desires ...
Maybe a passionate kiss followed by lovemaking ...
Anything is possible...
In the deep trenches of the brain cells ...
Anything is possible if they want it to be !
So, what is it going to be ...
To be or not to be ...
Only TIME can tell ! 
For what's written in destiny...
Can't be erased ...
A new story or an old tale of loved and lost ! #GoFigure 
Yearning is the bane of lovers ...
Yearning for more wouldn't be lust, is it ? #GoFigure

Words flow ! #GoFigure

When emotions are high ...
Or low ...
An ebbing and throbbing in the head and heart ...
Words flow to express ...
To express the desires embedded...
A deeply rooted need to belong ...
To belong to the one who understands...
Who comprehends the feelings expressed ...
Wuthering blows high and low ...
An egress of matters unknown...
Yet, there remains a constant ...
The consistency of the written word ...
A consent to his desire ...
A consent to her desire ...
A consent to their aspirations ...
For expectations may dash to the ground...
Aspirations soar high ...
Like the kites that shall follow soon ...
Towards the blazing yet quintessentially beautiful golden Sun. #GoFigure 

Encapsulated ! #GoFigure

His smiling eyes...
A remembrance from a few days ago ...
A short but filled with heartache break ...
A realisation ...
Suddenly, he was all over then gone ...
In a jiffy her whole world collapsed ...
A world encapsulated with his voice ...
A voice that couldn't be forgotten ...
Resounding in her ears ...
Her mind captivated by the smile ...
She missed the boyish grin ...
The words ... What would the boys be thinking ...
It wasn't easy ...
Tearing herself away from the magnetic charisma ...
She says on this day ...
She certainly is ENCAPSULATED by his charm ...
She dreams to be held in those strong arms ...
Swooning over his voice belting out songs for her ...
His fingers caressing her hair...
Running in her hair...
Entwining themselves in the greys ...
A slight smile spreads across her face...
As she imagines him reading her ...
While entwined in his warm embrace ...
A pretty bold picture to think of ...
But, what the heck! ...
She gifts herself to the birthday boy ...
Take me as I am ...
You shall have no regrets ...
I swear, she says softly in his ears ...
Nibbling and tugging at his earlobes teasingly ...
Rest is for him to figure out in his imagination ! 

A strong woman #GoFigure

They see the mask ...
A put on ...
They see a strong woman ...
A very strong woman ...
They don't see the vulnerability ...
They don't see the tears ...
All they witness is ...
Their own perceptions ...
Perceptions based on their experiences ...
Or to put it in perspective ...
Their inexperiences ...
She has the mask firmly in place ...
For she believes some day ...
A knight would come ...
He would unmask her ...
He would peel off layers of decades ...
Of fear and apprehension ...
He would know the true her ! #GoFigure 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Shelling peas New Year's Eve ! #GoFigure

She's been shelling peas...
All of the last week of the last year...
New year's eve too spent shelling peas...
Because, while shelling peas she goes spiralling into her own world...
Immersed in her thoughts...
She wonders had it worked out ...
Where she would have been...
With whom, doing what ?
The world of imagination takes over ...
While shelling peas...
She's transported into a perfect world...
Of course, of her imagination ...
With the person she liked ...
Smitten as he seemed to be ...
That image remains in her eyes ...
She rewinds to the last few conversations in her head ...
The real ones...
His voice...
Heaving a sigh ...
She shakes it off ...
Both their egos on play ...
Demolished what could have been...
Lack of time or the distance ...
It could have been overcome...
But the lack of sensitivity on each one's part ...
Pulled them apart ...
Shelling peas, she looks beyond...
And yonders ...
It's a vast desert like the Rann of Kutch ...
Nothing for miles ...
She gets back to shelling peas ...
Freezing them for the year ahead ! #GoFigure