Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Yearning for more...

He made a short statement ...
Making her yearn for more ...
His spoken words ...
Her written words ...
A melangé of emotions from two different people ...
Yet, a consummation of two feelings as one.
In flight, she's sure;
He's thinking of what could be ...
Sipping a cup of tea ...
She types of what could be !
A meeting of two different worlds ...
An exploration of bodies ravaged with time ...
An explosion of desires ...
Maybe a passionate kiss followed by lovemaking ...
Anything is possible...
In the deep trenches of the brain cells ...
Anything is possible if they want it to be !
So, what is it going to be ...
To be or not to be ...
Only TIME can tell ! 
For what's written in destiny...
Can't be erased ...
A new story or an old tale of loved and lost ! #GoFigure 
Yearning is the bane of lovers ...
Yearning for more wouldn't be lust, is it ? #GoFigure

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