Saturday, January 15, 2022

An object of desire ! #GoFigure

After a peg or two of Jim Beam ...
If you find her as an object of desire ...
Beat it, my boy! 
You are no match for her ...
She's beyond you in the school of desire ...
She isn't some instant momo you can steam ...
She isn't for you to take ...
She's far too ahead of you in this game ...
It's a no go situation when you are drunk ...
And, you desire her ...
Else, she's forgotten in your day to day life ...
She ain't your night queen ...
She's way ahead into the dawn of the day ... 
She ain't an object of desire ...
She's desire itself ...
But, on her terms ...
You can't flit in and out at your own behest ...
She decides when you can have her or never ...

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