Friday, January 14, 2022

Steadfast Friends!

She has to date only a couple of real good friends...
Steadfast Friends...
Who have withstood the ravages of times ...
Friends, whom she can count on the fingers of one hand only...
But, real friends...
With no hidden motives or agendas ...
There's the best friend forever...
The Grand Old Man ...
He watches over her...
Advises her ...
And, can you believe it...
They have never met ...
Nor will they ever meet in this lifetime...
But they are best friends...
He knows every pulse of hers...
Every move ...
He knows her better than herself...
He's always around...
Like the Eye Surgeon friend of hers...
They are a brain squirt together...
But steadfast indeed...
He's become the family physician too in times of COVID...
But, he's a great person to have around...
When the mood is down ...
He uplifts her mood ...
She sees through the eyes he cares for...
Then, there's the couple from her past...
Who keep an eye on every move of hers...
They dote over her kids ...
It's fun to gossip with the lady...
She's a treasure trove of gossip...
But, she stood by her always...
To count on her fingers...
These are her steadfast friends indeed ! #GoFigure

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