Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Sparrow And The Dragonfly, The Snails And The Aphids !

They visit her each morning ...
The Sparrow and the dragonfly ...
While she sips her morning cup of tea ...
A multitude of it followed up ...
Watching life aflutter outside ...
Just outside...
Beyond the four walls of her cage ...
A cage she calls home ...
Beyond the flower bed ...
And the grills ...
Life lives ...
Skittles around ...
Wings flapping ...
Buzzing about ...
The Dragonfly and the Sparrow ...
Teasing her ...
Mocking her immobility ...
Giving her company in her cage...
They are the only friends she sees everyday...
Also, the pesty snails and the aphids ...
They test her patience and yet ...
They are welcome in her little garden ...
The Sparrow and the Dragonfly ...
The snails and the aphids ! #GoFigure 

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